A Few Comments

So going back a few weeks when they had that guy from Cleveland on the show and he looked really old but said he was only 57 and he wanted a down to earth girl that liked older men and was from Cleveland and wanted a young girl in her 20's and such. I don't see how Patti and her assistant actually thought they were "testing" this guy by having her go undercover and pretend to be one of the girls looking to be matched up. What her assistant did was tailor all of her answers to exactly what this guy wanted. So why is it a shock that he decides, hey i like this one over a more age appropriate woman? Maybe if her assistant just said that she was young and didn't mind dating older men but then also said how she had no plans on getting a job and such, that might be an actual test. But what Patti did was shove a piece of somoene's most favorite dessert in front of someone who says that they would like to diet and then scold them for taking a bite. The guy was a total jackass and treated his date quite poorly and came off as a pervert at the end when he was just staring at her, but you can't blame him for originally wanting "Julia".

Also, with regards to the chef guy, didn't Patti in the past have the people come in and tell her what date they were planning and that she would have to approve it first? So, if she was concerned with the chef guy being cheap, why not make him tell her first what he was planning? Additionally, while I understand that the guy has to make the date enjoyable for the girl he is courting, it also has to be something that he wants to do as well, otherwise, it won't be a good time if he's doing something he doesn't want to do. The chef guy doesn't want to go to a restaurant because that's what he does all day, so why is that not reasonable? Now, he could have done something else that was a little more fun rather than just sit on the beach, but if this is what he really likes to do in his free time, then a future spouse for him should know this and also want to share with him things such as this.

Just some of my thoughts.


I have to say that I agree with your thoughts, especially for the fire chaser. She was from cleveland, said she loved dating older men and was financially established. And on top of it - she's gorgeous. That was silly.

As for the chef, he was a dick anyway so I didn't care, but your logic makes perfect sense. I guess Patti wanted him to spend more money and take her out somewhere. Maybe the beach would have been nice afterwards. I didn't have an issue because I love the beach and hate crowds. I just think his personality sucked.
