MovieChat Forums > The Millionaire Matchmaker (2008) Discussion > Marissa is seriously the most...

Marissa is seriously the most...

...pointless person I have ever seen on television. She is so uncomfortable to watch, it's like she is constantly posing with her stupid overdone hair and cocktail dresses that she wears to work. She is nauseating along with that twerp Justin.


All 3 of them are bad I think. Destin & Rachael kissed Patti's behind, but I think that they had some knowledge to what they were talking about. The 3 new assistants don't seem like they know anything and are kind of annoying.


Thank you for calling Justin a twerp! You seriously made my day! :) I cannot stand him either. He takes on such prominence on the show because he's young and gay. So what! Give the straight guy more screentime as 90% of the show is about straight people.


He gets more airtime cause he's gay? lol That sounds kinda ridiculous to say. The straight guy doesn't do anything on the show besides constantly mess up his only job assignment.


Justin is the straight guy, that's the twerp. The gay guy's name is David Cruz and at least he has some work ethic going on about him. They do all suck though.


She may not be a really great fit for this show but wow, she is fine. I would like to know what she's like in bed! And oddly enough, I saw her on the gameshow network a few days ago. She was a contestant on an old rerun of that show called Baggage.


I think she is stunning. She doesn't bother me but I did like Destin more. Justin is the real waste of space IMHO. No personality, annoying hair and face - eww.


Marissa is well fit, she is one of the reasons why I am enjoying season 7 so much.


David Cruz is a twerp!

And they should pare it down to 2 assistants, not 3. I still miss Destin and Rachel...


Yeah I don't care for any of them. The gay guy is the least irritating of the 3 though. I actually didn't care for Rachel or Destin either. The best assistants on this show was Chelsea and that other girl.


Yeah, I'm slowly catching up on Season 7. Marissa is beautiful, but doesn't seem to have much personality. She seems like a glorified model. That's why TMM has gotten kinda annoying. At first, it was really Patti and Chelsea doing the legwork and meeting with clients. Now, it seems like that is all done by casting directors. All the female dates are from "casting agencies and movie extras" - so they are not necessarily single, just out-of-work actresses who look pretty.

All Marissa and Justin are there is to look pretty and to give Patti someone to yell at when things go wrong. I don't think Marissa and Justin really do any work with talking to clients or the potential dates. They are just there for the camera and say "Patti here is bachelor number one and two."

Destin was at least familiar with the business and interacting with clients. Marissa and Justin seem to not really care about being a matchmaker at all, or giving 'love advice.' I would like to see Marissa talk more and give out some advice or opinion. She just seems to give out blank stares whenever she is onscreen. I want to see her personality shine through, perhaps she is a struggling actress with no personality.


I would like to see Marissa talk more and give out some advice or opinion. She just seems to give out blank stares whenever she is onscreen. I want to see her personality shine through, perhaps she is a struggling actress with no personality

exactly. Funny how some people think that is lovely. She's right in line with a lot of people's values, image over substance.
