Haha, yeah, I noticed that too. It seems they are trying to save money. One thing, they moved to a different office this year, so its possible it is a bigger space, but the rent might be more expensive.
Also, Patti got screwed when that Florida lawyer bailed on the bikini mixer. Patti had to then pay for the filming of the backup-bachelor Teague at a new restaurant interview, and at the double-date with patti and her boyfriend. So that must have been expensive, and therefore they needed to save money on future episodes.
Plus, they don't have to do a mixer, if Rachel Uchitel and the white rapper guy just picked 1 date from the 2-way mirror, instead of having a mixer party.
Also, if they can't get a lot of girls, it might be better to have the smaller group of girls at the office. I think Vegas Dave only got 9 girls to choose from, and he was a Douche so the producers maybe foresaw his meltdown, and didn't want to spend money on a restaurant.
I like watching the show, just to see the Hot Girls paraded at the casting sessions - that's really the primary reason for me watching each episode. The mixers seem rushed and awkward. But I like watching Patti's show, even if it is to watch trainwreck Millionaires and gold-diggers.
Its a bit sad that Patti can't get married - she needs to take her own advice, but she's an over-bearing alpha female that is an entertaining character on TV, but perhaps not so much as a "real wife."