Vegas Dave
Where as I can't defend this guy being a person who is actually ready for a relationship, I had to laugh when Patti is yelling at him about how he'll never get laid or find a girl because in Vegas, I'm sure this guy can find girls and have sex. It's just the quality of girls and the reason why they're giving it up to him is the big difference. He can get girls because he has some money and some people are just gold diggers. What Patti really should have been doing is yelling at him how he'll never find true laugh with his attitude.
Additionally, just his attitude at the mixer was funny in terms of how he has no clue how to interact with women really. What's also funny is how he felt that there were no girls at the mixer that he was interested in. He told Patti what he likes/wanted and she tried but ultimately failed to get a client what they wanted. Now, granted, her client was a jackass and probably just wanted a stripper or a group of girls that were going to give it away, but still, Patti and her staff failed to deliver. However, in reality, Vegas Dave had no business coming to Patti. I'm also curious as to why Patti didn't try setting up Vegas Dave with some sort of life coach as she's done with clients in the past.
Finally, I'm surprised that we didn't see Patti bash Marissa a little more for even bring Vegas Dave to her as this guy really should have been weeded out as a client.