Patti's New Persona

Patti has always been noticeably direct, and downright pushy with clients and staff. She, this season, however, seems to be accentuating a full-blown rude, nasty, distasteful new persona. In fact, I can't imagine her maintaining a business treating people this way.


I know U think U understand what U thought I meant, but what U heard is not what I said



She cracks me up. I laughed my ass off when she tore that rude Caillou looking Finland guy a new one. And when she told him he was a douche right to his face. I dont watch this show to see a nice I'm never disappointed.

I dont see a new persona....just the same old feisty bitch with new sidekicks. That one guy has to go! Justin is it?




Haha haha "Caillou looking"....Too Awesome!
