The MMA athtlete ...

...was a total scumbag. He didn't say one thing that sounded either original or intelligent. He's made for one night stands. I don't think he could hold the interest of any woman beyond that.


Any woman that had half a brain wouldn't have a one night stand with him either.


True. When he started rubbing Patti's assistant, I hope she bathed afterward. He thought was was giving patti such a thrill by wrestling with her.


"Do you spit or swallow?" He asked the "mixologist" that just happened to be 10 times hotter than the original 3 other girls chosen, AND, she was single and willing to date the guy! What a coincidence!! Am I the only person that think this is badly scripted and TERRIBLY acted?
I still watch it though...cause it's hilariously stupid.


I guess it's ok for Patti to lift a guy's shirt up(the surfer dude) and rub over his stomach without his permission though? That sounds pretty hypocritical of her.


The only reason I didn't mind her doing that is because it's important for guys to know how bad unwelcome physical attention feels like. It's ironic how males aren't exploited for their bodies like women. Guys do feel self conscious about women looking at their butts or unwanted physical attention but that is all hush hush. But you never see women making men feel uncomfortable like that to the degree you see it done to them.


The bartender was obviously a plant. Patti knew what she was doing when she put him on the show. And yes, he's built for one-night stands.
