This season is HORRENDOUS

I've been watching this show from the beginning, and while it was never "good" in the traditional sense, it was usually quite entertaining, especially when Patti would try yell at the middle aged male clients who wanted to chase 20-year old tail.

Clearly, Bravo has just made this a real housewives and other D-list reality star matchmaker program for the ratings, but personally I couldn't care less about why Perez Hilton or Chili from TLC is single - I genuinely enjoyed this show when it was random people, with the occasional familiar face thrown in. I wonder if other people feel this way too.


You're not alone in thinking that. Celebrities have no place on this show. Who cares about seeing these d-list celebs on fake blind dates chaperoned by Patti?!? This season is ridiculous and unbelievable (not that other seasons were...)
The old format was fine as it was, why repair something when it's not broken?
One thing I don't miss is the time she wasted on previous seasons showing us her own messy dating.
Well, 7 seasons to watch back and pick apart is what I fall back on.
Bring back the pervy middle-aged millionaires chasing ridiculously hot young wannabe actresses!


Agreed. Now I haven't seen every episode this season, just the one with the Prince and Perez Hilton, but it looks the show is no longer showing Patti's interviews with potential dates for her clients. I used to like that part.


I wish they'd go back to the old format!


I agree. The show used to be entertaining. Now with 'stars' looking to find love, it's boring and lame. And has Patti ever been successful in her match dating skills. I won't watch the show anymore.


The show was at its best when it was "regular" people (regular as in, they were not previously on a tv show before). You'll also notice as each season passes, they changed the part of the intro where Patti says how she had a near 100% match making success to a very high success to a with a successful rating to now don't even mention it.

I think at one point this was a legitimate business but now it seems like this is just a tv series with new actors and actresses each week.


they changed the part of the intro where Patti says how she had a near 100% match making success to a very high success to a with a successful rating to now don't even mention it.

this is hilarious and true. I just watched the perez one and it's so fake! I hate "celebrities". The chances of them truly finding someone they like is nil. And what's with patty crashing the dates and bringing in another date?


This show has become just another venue for celebrities to promote themselves and whatever projects their working on.


Yes, there have been a number of millionaires who have come to tell her they were engaged or married after being set up with her. This was an actual successful business before the show started.

There are 2 sides of the business IMO. The on air ones, where there are the clients who agree to be filmed. These are hand chosen as they are 'interesting' and will make for programming. Many of these have failed relationships with the first person she sets them up with.

Then there is her real business, and her every day clients, who pay for the fancy office she had before TLC came along and her lifestyle.


Old format was way better. Now it feels staged and fake. I hate the intro videos. The old ones had a random, candid quality where you could really get to know the people - and root for or against them. This season is bland and I haven't cared what has happened to one guest yet. Sad because this show was a guilty pleasure.


Guilty pleasure is right. It was just fun seeing Patty being blunt and opinionated now she has to tone it down b/c she's with celebrities but you can tell it wants to come out. She was overly aggressive with the interior designer, almost like she couldn't stand her.


Shows with celebrities rarely appeal to me. Take Celebrity Apprentice, for example. What do I care if Gene Simmons gets fired? It's not like he needs a job. He's loaded, so getting fired means he just goes back to his rich, celebrity lifestyle. Big deal!


I'm getting tired of seeing people from The Real Housewives in every episode this season. Maybe try to get somebody that isn't a D list 'celebrity'.


Agreed. Stopped watching. Celebrities? Not interesting at all. Too bad. The shark is officially jumped.


Same here. This show has tanked. I liked seeing new faces; not washed up celebs from reality TV and old music stars. The show feels very "produced" now.


Completely agree with what everyone has said. Add to it that Patti can't manage a relationship and who can believe what she says anymore. It seems that everything went downhil when they left New York. Now it's all fake everything - hair (Patti's is particularly horrible), boobs, faces, personalitites. I'm done


And I think I decided that I'm done with this show after this season. If another season is aired, I might watch the 1st couple of episodes only to see if the clients are washed up or just wanna-be celebs. If that's the case, then I will definitely stop watching.

I'm also laughing at all of these housewives "celebs" saying how men are just too intimidated by them because they're such a big tv star. Do men even watch those housewives show? I don't watch it and I have no clue who any of these women are, nor would I feel intimidated by any of them for being an F list celebrity.



constant use of celebrities every episode has ruined any TINY itsy bit of authenticity this show seemed to have

the whole novelty of it was that the Millionaire's she helped were fairly normal losers and not TV stars or whatever

also the editing is atrocious now, they skip parts that were entertaining in the past, use a lame intro where they do an over the top TV interview thing with the contestants and do more boring mixers

obviously its trash reality TV you watch for fun regardless, but the last season was just a mess of advertising for other shows. no one wants to watch that

If i go crazy will you still call me Superman?


I agree completely. I also miss Dustin and his wife. The 2 assistants she has now are lame. And i'm so bored of seeing celebrities everywhere - even on dating shows. I won't be back for season 9.
