Where did Marissa go?

 Does anyone know?


Her and that clueless guy aren't on the show anymore. I'm surprised they lasted a whole season.



I'm hoping she ended up contacting that older guy (think he lived in Cleveland) who Patty threw out of her club. It was the guy that wanted younger women but Patty told him and then as a test, sent in Marissa and Marissa pretended to be everything that the guy wanted and then Patty got mad when the guy said he wanted to date her.


Patty has a personal bias toward men dating younger; even though it is practically ingrained in a man's DNA to be attracted to younger women. She's always saying men follow their penis when it comes to selecting women, yet, she tries to manipulate the process by steering them toward women in older age groups that they're not attracted to; which is a waste of time. Patti has a problem with younger women taking older men because she is 50+.


Patty has a personal bias toward men dating younger

Maybe so, but she happens to be right.

What's the biggest complaint men have over age 45?
"I'm divorced and the judge ordered me to pay X amount of my income for our kids since I was the bigger earner."

Well duh. You married a 22 year old out-of-work hairdresser. What other outcome were you expecting?

even though it is practically ingrained in a man's DNA to be attracted to younger women.

Young enough to conceive a child (that's the biological compulsion you're referring to, Man's need to spread his seed.) Not young enough to be going on Spring break.
Patty is all for introducing men to women in their 30's. It's not like she's trying to push the 50 and over crowd. She just thinks 20's is a little too young for most of her clients. And the fact that they even need her to find a match proves they've been doing something wrong all this time.

she tries to manipulate the process by steering them toward women in older age groups that they're not attracted to

Wait a minute. These men claim they want long-lasting relationships and marriage with the women they are trying to meet. But women don't stay 23 forever. Basically what they're in essence saying is "match me up with a partner I can be with for a max of 8 years." Men who are serious about marriage shouldn't be incapable of being attracted to a 38 year old woman.. because one day their 23 year old will be 38. Then what?

Besides, it's negative to say Patty is "manipulating" the process. She is doing what she thinks is best for her clients, who claim to want marriage and who have so far been unable to pick a woman they can get to that stage with on their own. They came to her for help, and she's helping them. What do you want her to do, say "Go ahead, continue with your unsuccessful methods, I'll just take your money."

Patti has a problem with younger women taking older men because she is 50+.

Low blow. Again she's not pushing the 50+ crowd. Her favorite age group for women seems to be 31-43.

The fact is, older men chasing younger college girls, expecting them to want hem for more than just their money, is a joke to anyone who isn't one of those men. We're all in on the joke. Are you? They look foolish. It's not designed to be a long-lasting love if it's at all contingent on her age, because that is an irreversible variable.


She in the first season. The last epsoide on the show. If you look closely, she was sitting next to the younger guy on the right in the get together. She didn't talk but was on the show to find love. They get a lot of wanna be actresses tHat can't get work.
