Did Patti say chivary?

She said it 2 or 3 times! There's an L in there Patti...cringe.



Have you once heard her say "relationship"? No. She says "relaship". It drives me crazy that she cannot pronounce what she markets.



I wasn't addressing your comment. I was responding to the original comment, you know, the thread title.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


yes, repeatedly.......


In her defense, i think she has a slight lisp.



The original post was about Patti saying "chivary", not about Africa.
Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


She doesn't have a lisp. Perhaps her lip fillers are getting in the way of her speech pronunciation?


omg....and today on hollywood live she said "curb" when she meant to say "curve"---it was like in reference to "takes the curve up"---in regards to who is the clientelle on her show or something?

i was like, damn Patti---i'm kinda neutral toward "liking you" or not (alot of folks seem to have a strong opinion on that!)----but my god woman, don't let us think that you're actually some kind of dumb-dumb....wanna love you *kiss kiss*😘

*Sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!*
