MovieChat Forums > Moon Knight (2022) Discussion > Disney needs to figure this out

Disney needs to figure this out

They are seriously struggling to pull off a solid MCU series. At this point I would argue that the Netflix variety are by far the better quality product.

Wandavision was trying so hard to be different it forgot to be good. Never mind the weird moral compass fiasco.

Loki managed to be entertaining at parts, but felt more like a chore to get through the whole series.

Hawkeye was actually a pretty good "passing the baton" series, until that finale that took a well known villain and stripped him of any menace and fear.

As for Moon Knight, I went from being a little surprised how much I liked the beginning, to already rolling my eyes wondering how bad it will get by the end.

Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Punisher are by far better standalone series. That isn't to forgive Netflix for that AWFUL Defenders attempt, but by and large they are having a better track record so far.

The best thing the new shows are doing is actively being a part of the MCU. Its nice to have stories that have an impact on the direction of the shared universe. We haven't really seen this fully playout yet, but they are strongly hinting at this being the case.

To be clear I'm not saying the shows are trash, I think they all pull off one or two elements very well, its just not enough. The product feels incomplete to me, or in some cases the story itself just feels hijacked and we never see what was promised in the beginning.

My advice for them:

Stop trying to put each show in the same vein of comedy.

Let dark stories be dark.

Stop worrying about messaging and just give us a complete solid story.

And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD put some effort into making the villains menacing.


At this point I would argue that the Netflix variety are by far the better quality product.

No argument there.

Kingpin in HawkEye really pissed me off.


I actually enjoyed Defenders, and it’s a shame a lot of people didnt. I was almost as awed with it as when the first Avengers came out. However, both seasons of Punisher were quite bad in my opinion, which is also a shame since he was the highlight of Daredevil season 2.

With that said, I more-or-less agree with your thoughts on the Disney+ shows. I enjoyed WandaVision aside from the end, while the other shows had parts that worked but were otherwise mediocre. They all feel the same when the truth is the heroes in them are diverse and different. It’s possible to show that while still keeping them all connected. It’s one thing if Spider-Man and Antman are funny, but if all of them are funny then what’s the point? What’s the difference between them and why is it cool when they finally meet up?
