Something that needs to be done more in martial arts movies.
In Undisputed 2 Last Man Standing the "hero" of the story Mike Jai White as Iceman Chambers actually WON the first encounter with Uri Boyka because he was a pro boxer and Boyka tried to beat him at JUST boxing. But as soon as Uri Boyka started using his full martial art arsenal the boxer lost.
Technically he lost because his drinking water was drugged but I believe he would have lost anyway had that not happened though not quite so quickly but we will never know for sure.
I think it would be cool as hell in a movie like this if the good guy was a BOXER and a damned good one and the villain made the mistake of trying to take him at JUST boxing and got pounded for it THEN the villain switches to MMA and ALL the hero knows how to to is box and the hero gets overwhelmed and beaten (but beaten fairly no drugs like Undisputed 2), and have the movie be about the hero learning other martial arts to supplement his boxing while he is taunted and bullied by a villain who keeps rubbing in how the boxing is not enough against him in a fight.
That would be cool.