The ending?! - obviously a spoiler alert ;)
I'll start off by saying, I did like this movie! I'm a fan of Evan Peters, which is the original reason as to why I started watching - and I'm glad I did.
But it really irked me at the end - when Jake gives 'the nod' to Ryan - and Ryan does this small smile and nods back.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-happy endings or anything.
But WHY would Jake nod at Ryan? This guy was a complete douche to him throughout the film and seriously beat up his best friend! Gaaaaah
And even in Ryan's perspective: It's almost as if he's like 'Hey dude! You kicked me around the head in front of everyone so I lost. I respect you now'
Ryan had these pride issues and I don't see how being beaten by Jake changed that. He's shown to make dirty moves in order to get his way (like gouging that guys eye out/ beating up Max) This 'character development' just didn't ring true to me :S
What did you guys think?
I felt it was too 'everyones-friends-now-la-dee-da-happy-ending' ha.
But other than that, it was an okay film; I enjoyed it :)
Chandler: "Hey Look! That Monkey Has A Ross On His Ass!"