MovieChat Forums > Never Back Down (2008) Discussion > The ending?! - obviously a spoiler alert...

The ending?! - obviously a spoiler alert ;)

I'll start off by saying, I did like this movie! I'm a fan of Evan Peters, which is the original reason as to why I started watching - and I'm glad I did.

But it really irked me at the end - when Jake gives 'the nod' to Ryan - and Ryan does this small smile and nods back.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-happy endings or anything.
But WHY would Jake nod at Ryan? This guy was a complete douche to him throughout the film and seriously beat up his best friend! Gaaaaah

And even in Ryan's perspective: It's almost as if he's like 'Hey dude! You kicked me around the head in front of everyone so I lost. I respect you now'

Ryan had these pride issues and I don't see how being beaten by Jake changed that. He's shown to make dirty moves in order to get his way (like gouging that guys eye out/ beating up Max) This 'character development' just didn't ring true to me :S
What did you guys think?

I felt it was too 'everyones-friends-now-la-dee-da-happy-ending' ha.

But other than that, it was an okay film; I enjoyed it :)

Chandler: "Hey Look! That Monkey Has A Ross On His Ass!"


The nod made no sense to me either. Ryan was a total psychopath who needed to be thrown in jail ASAP, he deserves no respect or friendship. I have no idea what the filmmakers where thinking with that one.


Thats the one problem in the movie they cut out a scene after Jake and Ryan fight where ever one kept eggeg them on to keep fighting. At that point Ryan fianl got it and understood there was no point to keep fighting.

Does he like Jake? I don't think they will be best buds but he has more respect for him after the fight. As for Jake he yeah he will show him some respect he beat him and has not reason to fight him any more.


True, they're not 'friend' material but I took it as Jake rising above the rivalry and Ryan not seeing any point in continuing it.


Space Shuttle Atlantis: The Opera!


Hey mate!
I know it's kind late, but here's the deleted scene from that movie that explains the "nod" that Jake gives Ryan.



I agree with you, but it wouldn't have annoyed me as much if they had made Ryan much more severely injured whilst looking a little more sickly and scared when he saw Jake. I mean call me a sadist if you like, but I wanted to see Ryan end up with much worse injuries than a couple of little band aids and a bruise on his face. Couldn't they have given him a badly broken leg so that he couldn't drive and had to travel on a bus ? Certainly he should have been given some more severe facial injuries and perhaps a protective skull cap to wear (while awaiting further surgery) to make him look more pathetic.



just watched the last 40min and paid close attention to the ending. i totally agree. why would you nod at that jag off???


hated the ending too


That's how all these homoerotic bro movies end.
