Their Parents

I'm surprised Tom and/or Summer's parents aren't featured in the film. Tom and Summer were pretty serious in their relationship (even though Summer didn't want to put a label on it), so you would think they would meet each other's parents. Also, Tom could have gotten real relationship advice from his parents after his breakup with Summer other than his middle-school-aged sister.


Well, Summer's from Michigan, not Los Angeles, so in all likelyhood her parents weren't around to be introduced.

As for Tom's, like Summer, his parents are divorced, and he doesn't seem to have a relationship with them. From a character standpoint, it also makes sense, to a degree. Tom believes in true love, yet, his parents divorced. It could be that he resents that aspect of their lives.

There's actually an extended scene where we do meet Tom's mother and Stepfather, but it's brief—his sister mentions to his mom that he met someone, Tom shoots her a look, and nothing is said.


you shouldn't expect every thing to be shown in a movie or even in a novel, the whole relationship, movie, characters, meant nothing. i'v never watched a more depressing movie in my life, not even vertigo.
