Happy ending?

I just watched this movie for the first time, and I'm a little confused on how the audience is supposed to interpret the ending when Tom meets Autumn.
At first glance this ending seems like a happy one, now that Tom and Summer are over he's ready to move on to the next stage of his life with Autumn. But is the ending really implying that Tom will continue going through this cycle of girls without ever meeting anyone perfect?
Maybe the ending is up to the individual viewer to interpret, just like The Graduate.


I took it as Tom is starting a new chapter in his life. Whether that chapter will be good or bad depends, I guess, on if we think Tom's learned anything from this...whatever...with Summer. However,

without ever meeting anyone perfect?

If he's approaching things from the standpoint of trying to find someone perfect, he certainly is going to be disappointed


Pay close attention to the birds. The whole time Tom with Summer, the girl bird is uncertain and backs away for boy bird. Boy bird tries to draw close, but she won't have it.

When Tom meets Autumn, girl bird moves forward to boy bird, they come together, and the sun comes out.

I assume this symbolized Tom and Autumn together. Tom finally finds the companion and the happiness that he desired with Autumn.
