...to begin with, people have unrealistic expectations all he time. Well, lots of them do. Most of them probably. "Tom" is no different than most people.
As far as your statement that you do not understand why people keep enduring "such relationships", I'd have to say that you'd have to be one of those people in order to understand them. Because those people live their lives under the impression that "things will change" and they actually have not pictured how bad it will be when the house of cards they've been building will come tumbling down on them. In other words, they may seem plain stupid to you for not leaving, however the bottomline is that "it ain't as easy as it sounds".
As for "Tom not having the courage", you're wrong : he did make it clear -from a point and on- who he deeply was and what his expectations were. After all this wasn't hard for Summer to see, since most people are exactly like that and she knows it. In other words, she did know his feelings allright. Her excuse is that, much like Tom did, she herself did probably HOPE that "if this breaks up, no hard feeling will be invloved". Because she obviously cared for him and did not want for him to suffer.
In conclusion, things "wouldn't have gone differently, IF..." as you presumed. They most probably wouldn't. The reasong being the very characters of the couple and the abscence of adequate chemistry on Summer's part. Tom was a nice guy, full of promise, likeable to the highest degree - yet he wasn't what would push Summer's button. Much like Pantelidis' "we're no match I'm telling you - thus objectively I tell you".
Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past