MovieChat Forums > Selma (2015) Discussion > Seems like no good white people in first...

Seems like no good white people in first half

Excellent movie, very powerful and David Oyelowo performance was wonderful. Only problem I had for the first half of the movie it portrayed pretty much all white people as evil racists. I would of liked to see some genuine good white people from the start. You only see at the end white people uniting on the march was great to see. But not enough good white people at the start was a problem for me, but overall great movie.


That's probably how a lot of black people felt during that time.


You forget about the reporter and Johnson's assistant attorney general (I think that was his position). Even Johnson wasn't bad, just flawed and conflicted.

He actually believed a lot of conflict in the South stemmed from poverty. That's part of why he prioritized the War on Poverty.

As far as white people, the leadership was primarily black because the idea was black people had the capacity to vote without the help/influence of whites.

SNCC HAD figured out from the beginning of the Freedom Rides, though, that when the rest of the country saw white people from up north getting the crap beat out of them, those people would suddenly care about injustice in the South.


There is a famous photo of the front line in the Selma march. That photo includes Rabbi A.J. Heschel linking arms with the African-American leaders. That Rabbi is not to be found in the film. Guess Jews don't count as fas as this director and these writers are concerned.


I've never felt so anti-white in my life watching the first half of this movie even though I'm half white, half black.
