MovieChat Forums > Selma (2015) Discussion > 'Liberal' 'Progressive'

'Liberal' 'Progressive'

People who use those words as insults are the same who want to take us back to those days.


Pretty much.

"Did you make coffee? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Then don't let it be an insult but rather a badge of honor


What if we are referring to another white SJW, and the issue at hand isn't race, but lets say something like feminism? Or better yet, what about simple national politics/Russia/China and welfare?

Are we all trying to go back to the days before the US became a superpower? No, most of us are not racist. I don't usually use liberal as an insult, but a description of a movement with values I despise (except for a few).

But since you are the accuser, the burden of proof is on you. Can you show me anything solid on those using these are usually wanting to take us back to those days? Remember, to be a scientific fact, it has to be falsifiable. Something so many people don't try to check. Usually you give something that does so, it can't be "but that doesn't count", and then eventually no evidence really does.


Well, the fact that you use "SJW" as a pejorative means you lose any credibility you might have had right from the start.

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For real, I use that as a descriptor, so people know who I am talking about - not as an insult of itself. But figuring the description of the group, you can kind of draw your own obvious conclusions for why I used it.

SJW = Social Justice Warrior. A form of a keyboard warrior, but also in the real world. Usually advocating for feminism, multicultralism, racism, and many other things. But really, if you want to know why I use it directly in regards to using it to define a class that refer to themselves, or are known as SJWs, just do this.
Go to Tumblr. Or some other internet forum like that. And see what the SJWs themselves (as a collective, not individuals) usually advocate for. That is the class I directly reference. I know it is a generalization, but being specific wasn't the focus.

So unless you have an issue with logic, there is no way I lost credibility by using that. Only those who can't possibly ever listen to a word that might, possibly be used as an insult to a certain person by some people in a rational discussion (like you) would think so.

What is especially amusing, I was using it in a mostly positive way according to many peoples views. Another white social justice warrior, describing a person who is white, and is also championing the same values, feminism, trying to push equality, etc. What if the are doing what the OP said those who decry liberalism are going to make us have regressive terms about, happened to instead be someone like that that didn't like liberalism? I know SJWs who happen to be capitalistic, and in many cases not very liberal at all. Save for some social issues. Not only did you label me automatically, erroneously. But you even missed the point of my first two sentences.


I think you're confusing "person who supports equality" with SJW.

The latter is a pejorative. That's kinda the point of it. The former is not.


I'm not confusing anything. I know full well "SJW" is a pejorative. It's a terrible and meaningless one used to try and invalidate progressive causes.

I find Oscar Bait infinitely more interesting than ticket bait


Clearly you are confused as you seem to think a pejorative should not be used as a pejorative. The word has not been misappropriated, it has always been a pejorative.

Progressive causes and SJW causes are different things. Hence it's invention as a pejorative term for those who care little for progressive causes and care only for being on the right side of history.


I'm only halfway through this movie, but when Wallace they used the word progressive (as well as a few other times), I thought - these are words used today and this is so agenda driven. I don't remember the word progressive being used for liberal until maybe ten years ago at the most.
