Having seen the fine Film "Woodlawn",also based on a true story, I felt that the bombing had a good probability of happening. That occurred on September 15, 1963 at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL.
The bombing by the KKK of the four victims were, four young girls — Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley and Addie Mae Collins. The bombing came less than a month after the landmark March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
One survivor is Addie Mae’s sister, Sarah Collins Rudolph, who is often referred to as the bombing’s "fifth victim." Just 12 years old when the church was attacked, Collins Rudolph was hit with shards of glass, lost an eye and was hospitalized for months. Today, she continues to live in Birmingham, suffering from the physical, mental and emotional effects of the bombing.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley