MovieChat Forums > Selma (2015) Discussion > 2nd Worst Film of 2015

2nd Worst Film of 2015

I realise I will probably get crucified for this, but ‘Selma’ is excruciatingly boring, it is pretentiously filmed, it has some horrific performances from Tim Roth, Tom Wilkinson and Oprah Winfrey and it doesn’t help when the film drags on for 128 minutes. What’s even more perplexing is I am the only person who hates this film, it has near perfect reviews among critics and everyone has only good things to say about it. I just don’t get it. However, there is one aspect in this film's favour and that is David Oyelowo's mesmerising performance. Just a shame he's completely wasted.

It is my 2nd Worst Film of 2015 - read the rest of my list here -

And if you want to see my Top 20 Best Films of Last Year, click below

Numbers 20-11 -
Numbers 10-1 -

Bruges is like a fairytale....:P


You're not the only one. My wife hates it too. I hate it less than she. I doubt whether it is one of the worst films of 2015. But it wasn't good, making it the most overrated film in the past 10 years.

To think the #OscarsSoWhite campaign started because of this sub-par movie. It's like crying wolf. What a waste.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Agreed. I eventually finished it, but it took a couple of tries because I fell asleep the first time. And I was never 100% engaged in it. It was a snooze. I didn't like the way LBJ was portrayed - I believe much of that was B.S. I too felt like the film was a bit pretentious and seemed to be vying for Oscar contention. And I wasn't a tremendous fan of David Oyelowo's performance. It was very good, but not great. It honestly seemed more like a MLK parody. I thought his speaking voice was a bit exaggerated, but I like how the actor did King's speeches.


Well, you're a Brit ...
