MovieChat Forums > Selma (2015) Discussion > George Wallace was a democrat?!

George Wallace was a democrat?!

For the way he acted you would think that he was a republican. How did a D win in Alabama?


The Democratic Party as it existed in the South (and, to some extent, in the rest of the country--although this is very complicated) used to be the much more conservative party, and the Republican Party (the "Party of Lincoln," after all) had basically no presence at all in the South until Democratic politicians in the North started aligning themselves with civil rights issues.

Here is more information on the history of the great Democratic Party/Republican Party switcheroo than I could possibly type on IMDb:


Why did you even reply to the idiot? Obvious a very ignorant left-wing screwhead.


The ole "switcheroo" is a myth. LBJ saw the writing on the wall and decided to push and support the same legislation the he stopped in the 1950's when Eisenhower was pushing the civil rights agenda. the democratic party went the way of giveaways to control in their eyes a permanent underclass of minorities. At the time republicans were pushing for personal responsibility and openness and opportunity. LBJ even remarks that "I push this and I will have these (NI@@ERS) voting democrat for the next 200 years." Unfortunately he has been correct in that.

these videos by my friend AlfonZo Rachel will explain it to you better. :)


Thank you, moron, but some of us prefer facts.

With trenches full of poets,
The ragged army, fixing bayonets to fight the other line


If White supremacists going from democrat to republican since Nixon is a myth why were two former republican senators Strom Thurmond and Trent Lott connected to the white supremacists? Senator Shelby was once a Dixiecrat and is now a republican. Finally who are they now supporting for President. Not Hillary. Not Bernie Sanders who marched with Martin Luther King JR. It is Trump.


That is the facts homeboy, ignore them if you want but history doesn't change just because you want to do !!!


Regarding Wallace as a Democrat. He was a real populist in the beginning of his career. He was a staunch supporter of the poor man and the working man, He was also fairly liberal in racial matters for the place and time. But that openness to racial progress cost him big elections and he cynically made the decision to change his politics on the matter to fall in line with the racist, segregationist south.

I always felt that his so called change of heart following the assassination attempt was out of guilt for betraying his true beliefs. He knew he was wrong all along which I think makes it worse than those who ignorantly really believed in racial superiority. He did know better and he abandoned his principles to get ahead.

It's actually an incredible story of how he found his way back. True redemption in my eyes.


Wallace was a Dixiecrat like many of the people who called themselves democrats. Dixiecrats were the klan members, the ones who were against desegregation, equal rights and justice. The Dixiecrats started switching parties beginning with the Civil Rights Act but many did not until Reagan and his welfare queen b.s..
I'm from Georgia, I grew up during the Civil rights era our schools weren't desegregated until 1967 here, my family is racist and I know what I'm talking about so don't let the revisionists convince you otherwise. I am also white and I see racism in the south every day. I escaped that mindset because I always had friends of other races and saw just how bad the people are here it hasn't changed much in 50 years they just try and hide it call themselves the tea party instead of Dixiecrats.


Thank you . Many republicans deny Dixiecrats became republicans . I've spoken to many from Dixieland and they say children of the Dixiecrat party members (the old Democratic Party) are republicans now. They may not be in politics but they vote red.


He was a Dixiecrat. They jumped to the Republican party because of the civil rights movement.
