I knew Chance Phelps

I knew Chance. He went to school here in my homtown of Craig,Co for a while. We weren't friends really but aquaintences, we had attended a bible camp together in Buena Vista one year. He was a really great guy. Funny, smart, good looking. He was the kinda person who left an impression on you even if you didn't really know him that well. Obviously, otherwise they would have made a movie based on his journey home. I remember when I got the news about his death...I was devistated. To think that someone I had gone to school with, someone who was so young, was gone. But even though it was heartbreaking, it was inspiring at the same time. Because I knew he had died for his country, his family, his friends. So it warms my heart to know they have made a movie based on him. It helps keep his spirit alive fo those of us who knew him.



Thank you for that.


Chance Phelps' pics at the end of the film were touching. I don't know who had the idea, -Ross Katz maybe?-, whoever did it has won my admiration & gratitude.
