MovieChat Forums > Taking Chance (2009) Discussion > I've always felt as Lt Col Strobl

I've always felt as Lt Col Strobl

There was a moment in the film when I felt I most related to Lt Col Stobl's feelings. It was his conversation with the VFW vet, Charlie Fitts, regarding his own service. I served in the first Gulf War and was also deployed to Somalia. But I was not a combat soldier. I served in echelons above corp as a communications specialist.

I live outside of Pigeon Forge TN. During their entertainment shows, they like to recognize all the veterans and have them stand to give them thanks for their service. I always struggle with doing this. Not because I am not proud of my service. My service is the proudest moment in my life. But I think of all the others who can't be there to stand and why I am there. And I feel I haven't been thru what the soldiers of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam went thru and even what the soldiers of today are going thru. But it was like Charlie Fitts was talking to me when he told Lt Col Strobl, "...Without a witness, they just disappear."

This was a great movie and I'm glad I got to see it. Thank you to all veterans and their families who have sacrificed to serve for our proud nation.


Thank you for YOUR service and, in a way, Charlie Fitts was talking to you.


Yes this was a great movie to watch and I loved it as well! I teared up watching it myself. I am a veteran of the first Gulf War and the most recent wars that is going on right now. I came off of active duty in 2003 and then I did not get out of the reserves until 2005. I thought this movie was very touching and heart felt.

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition!
