A little background on me - I am 55, male, and was in the 'lottery' for the draft. My number was high, I was never called - and yes I protested the Vietnam war. But not the War itself - the methods.
I was a firm believer in 'either DO it - or get out'.
We seem to be following this same path in the mid east.
So here is/are my question(s).
1. After seeing this movie - do you think we should pull out totally, and NEVER let another lose his life ? Do you think we need to go in full blast to get it over with ?
2. Is a large part of the emotion that there really ARE so many caring, respectful people in the US ? Or is it sadness that there are still too few of them.
I was floored by this film. Not only did the respect and reverence for the deceased warrior come through in spades, but actually the fact that a film so pro military could be made in today's Hollywood was unbelievable.
I think your questions are fair, but for me they are moot. What I got from this film was that any sacrifice in war is to be honored, and that our core values of patriotism and freedom truly are the stuff which makes the US the greatest country ever.
And if any smarmy snarlers want to argue the point, blow me. ------------------------------------
I haven't yet seen this, but have it saved on Netflix so as soon as its out I will see it!
I am the wife of an arkansas national guardsman. He just returned home from his second tour in Iraq in december. Total of 15 months away. (some of that was training in the states though of course.)
My husband wasn't drafted. He joinded the national guard in 2003. Long after the terror attacks and the war started. He knew the chances of him going over there were very high. No one was made him join there. That is part of the risk they signed up for.
I really believe if we pull out now all these brave young men will have died for nothing. The next terrorist group will just take over. In another 10-15 years we will be back over there again, but starting all over. I do not agree with every aspect of this war. But think we must finish what we started. That may mean my husband has to go back, but if that is what he is required to do then it is his duty to do so. I never want to go through another deployment, but there again he was in the national guard before we got married, so I knew what I was getting myself into!
If you get the chance I HIGHLY recommend watching "Off to War". It was a 10-part documentary series made about the arkansas national guard (and not just because of my husband hes not in it!! its really good!!) going from their training through the deployment and then home again. Its on Nexflix if you have their service. I think it originally was made for discovery channel.
Dude! Are you serious? I've seen you post that reply like 3 times now! Get some new material!!!!! As for the questions, I'm kinda torn. War is never good. And I am having a hard time deciding whether or not we still need to be over there. I have a feeling its going to be like a Korea thing. With out the treaty. Our presence is always going to be there most likely. And its unfortunate. However, my fiance is in the Army and has done a 15 month deployment in Iraq and a 1 year tour in Korea. He believes in what he is doing, and for that I fully support him and any other man or woman who defends my freedoms.
"Difficult times lie ahead, Harry." ~Dumbledore, Goblet of Fire
I agree - there is no such thing as a 'good war' but when one HAS to be fought - fight it, and not play around at it. If we had used this 'defence only' attitude, with no offence, no all-out fighting,hand wringing tactics in WWI or II - the outcome would have been so different.
Like Korea, and Vietnam, and many other skirmishes we have been in.
So many things run thu my mind during, and after, watching this film.
But for those who are serving - there will never be EMOUGH repsect for them in my opinion. They deserve all, and then more, in respect, thanks, admiration, and appreciation. Please give your fiance my respects.
Avoid war at all costs, and if you cant - fight like hell.
I asked honest questions - ONE of the thoughts I have is that we should go in - FULL blast and get it done........... I saw WAY too many that I loved, lose their life physically, mentally, and emotionally in a "Police Action" (as we called Nam) .......... where we were not allowed to fire unless the enemy did first (what a crock).
I had TWO brothers in the service during Nam, and FOUR uncles in WW II ......
You had better NOT be talkin to me ......................
No, no! I wasent talking to you! = ( Sorry for not being specific Pipestr. My bad. I was talking to the boy friend troll poster.... or what ever the screen name is. Sorry agian! = (
"Difficult times lie ahead, Harry." ~Dumbledore, Goblet of Fire
My argument is not with the people fighting the war. It's with the people who sent them there. What I would like to know is at what point can we finally say "Our work is done here. We have won. We can go home now."
Do me a favor sir to answer your second question you have your opinion on the first
Go take a look at YOUTUBE do a search for SGT First Class John C. Beale there is a video they are taking his body back home. I see very few in that video showing respect for someone they don't know. a small amount of people who really care. maybe this will answer your second question.
This vid was not shown on news or told about by newspapers, My father sent it to me. The people came out to show respect and they didn't have to be asked to do it.
It's a difficult question to ask whether war is worth fighting. Some wars are, and some aren't. World War II was most definitely a war worth fighting, a war against pure evil and oppression, but it was an exception in human history where war has usually been about enrichment or the gain of the elite. I'm not just referring to the present conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, God knows there's enough threads and forums about them, but most wars have been fought over powerful men trying to gain more power and riches while the sons of the poor fight the battles on the ground. If the sons and daughters of politicians and the rich were expected to go into battle, war would end tomorrow.
Edit: I just realised this made me sound like a communist, when I actually lean toward more right-wing values. I'm all for capitalism and enriching oneself, but not at the expense of other people's children.
so this war is not worth fighting? WW2 was? read your history dude the war was raging before december 7th 1941 and the US sat it out, as did a certain few adminstrations during this war, which was raging before september 11th 2001. Not as much as during the time period before WW2, but one side declared war. the islamist side. who wants to go to war?? no one. but it happens. like the saying to have peace you must be ready for war.
there are politicians sons involved in this war, one being our own vice president. Joe biden. also rich people PAT TILLMAN. rich people in WW2 fought also. many movies stars at the time, so don't just say the poor go to war.
Spent 2 tours in Iraq, a total of 33 months (They stop-loss me twice for crying out loud...)
Anyway, i would want a world WITHOUT war, but seems like this is too much to ask. So the next thing i want is, if we were going to war, PLEASE SUPPORT US.
To anti-war protester, you can hate the government for all you like but please do not march on and sent us, soldier message that you hate us, i mean dude, we were overthere, trying to survive, spend a miserable 12-18 months in the worst place in the world and come back only to see people marching and not appreciating what we do? Com'on.
If you hate the war, please express your frustration or anger in ELECTION TIME, that's what they are for, if you cannot vote, then would you please shut the hell up.
To the politician. Either you give us what we need to finish the job or don't start a war you can't finish, what's the point giving us second rated equipment and put us into battlefield with all those RULES OF ENGAGEMENT?? How do you fight with one hand tied to the back and the other were all meshed up. I saw Tanks, APC and Humvee Broke down on, off and during firefight, well, com'on, where our's tax dollar gone?
If you do want to start a war, Don't do it half ass, the same as you want to bake a cake (What i do before i joined up, i am a pastry chef...) You won't do it half ass and cut corner everywhere. And finally, for the last time, the PAY IS NOT ENOUGH.... I earn better when i was a pastry chef then i was serving the country, $3000/month with danger bonus. Com'on, i earn almost twice that much baking cakes.