MovieChat Forums > Taking Chance (2009) Discussion > Negative this

Negative this

I just watched this on HBO Asia last night and came in here to see the usual crap by a bunch of idiots who have never had to fight for anything in their lives except...get that meal at McDonalds and that new video game.

If any of you had even the slightest CLUE about the context of the movie you lost the didn't even have a slight clue, not the faintest.

Even if the civillians and the morons who run the country don't care about the fighting man, the one who isn't fighting for anything but his buddy beside him, the rest of us do. I'm a veteran and have served on a few details like this as well as pulling escort duty as a Vet in civillian life. Sometimes it's not about the flag or the country/war but the person who gave his life to defend something.

THAT person had the belief and the pure guts to become a Marine then, fight along side and defend his buddies, his brothers to the very end of his life.

I would only hope that I will never have to depend on any of you idiots to have my back in any kind of a real fight.


Most of the jackasses on this board only call this movie propaganda because they've been convinced that you're not cool unless you're deeply opposed to anything that tries to honor a soldier or anyone else who works for a government institution. the only problem is that MTV hasn't run a special show yet to help explain to these drooling idiots that there is a difference between being skeptical of an organization and honoring and individual. So until MTV runs a special or some super hip and infinitely fashionable attractive young person comes on TV and tells them that it's OK to like a movie that is meant to promote sympathy towards individual soldiers and not necessarily the entire military organization, we're just gonna have to listen to their nonsense. It reminds me of when Adam Sandler convinced those kids in Billy Madison that you're not cool unless you pee your pants. It's like someone has convinced these stupid people that you're not cool unless you take a moral stand against so and so.


Agreed. On all counts.


I agree with you 100%

I too have spoke out against those taking this tribute to our military men and women, and turning it into their liberal political rant!
Only to be attacked myself by those trolls.
But you would know all about being a troll and attacking those who have served, wouldn't you, jdubhua?

All because a man who has served and knew what they were talking about had the nerve to disagree with you armchair quarterbacking on a military matter.

You namecalled and disparaged their service. Called him a liar, etc...
That was me.
You claimed I never served.

From my cruisebook: 6.jpg
That would be my Leading Petty Officer, myself, another Petty Officer, and on the far right, my Chief Petty Officer.

You owe an apology.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I will back you up man! I agree with what you say and all and I have done my fair share of combat myself being a Gulf War vet and current conflicts that is going on right now. He did stand up for his fellow shipmates and buddies!

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition!





227 users rated it 1/10. They Must have extraordinary IQ hmm..
