Negative this
I just watched this on HBO Asia last night and came in here to see the usual crap by a bunch of idiots who have never had to fight for anything in their lives except...get that meal at McDonalds and that new video game.
If any of you had even the slightest CLUE about the context of the movie you lost the didn't even have a slight clue, not the faintest.
Even if the civillians and the morons who run the country don't care about the fighting man, the one who isn't fighting for anything but his buddy beside him, the rest of us do. I'm a veteran and have served on a few details like this as well as pulling escort duty as a Vet in civillian life. Sometimes it's not about the flag or the country/war but the person who gave his life to defend something.
THAT person had the belief and the pure guts to become a Marine then, fight along side and defend his buddies, his brothers to the very end of his life.
I would only hope that I will never have to depend on any of you idiots to have my back in any kind of a real fight.