MovieChat Forums > Taking Chance (2009) Discussion > Only two defining forces have ever offer...

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you...

Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you....

Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.

One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

These soldiers have earned our respect because of their sacrifice.


Police... firefighters... and by soldier do you just mean Army while ignoring all the other branches?


Indeed. Police and Firefighters do as well. Every day that they go to work.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


I know one is real and defends us everyday, not sure about the first one.


Only two people? As it was hinted at in previous posts, there are literally thousands of people laying their lives on the line each day be it any aspect of the military, the emergency services, lifeguards, mountain rescue etc to the people that drill for oil, people that cut down the trees to make your house, fish crab from the ocean; all in the name of humanity and what we have come to expect as our 'rights' in society.

It's all crap! And anyone who thinks that by going and working for the government, to do their bidding with a gun in your hand, is in any way a more noble way to lay down your life than being killed in a car accident picking your child up from school hasn't really thought things through.

"Reagan's speeches produced a marked erotic effect in an audience of spastic children"


It's all crap! And anyone who thinks that by going and working for the government, to do their bidding with a gun in your hand, is in any way a more noble way to lay down your life than being killed in a car accident picking your child up from school hasn't really thought things through.

A person who puts their life on the line and is killed in action while serving in combat, is certainly worthy of a little more respect and gratitude from society than someone who just dies in a random car accident. (which by the way, also includes members of the military)

I do agree though that military personnel aren't the only ones to put their lives on the line while serving others. Police and Firemen are two notable examples. Philadelphia, the city I live in, has for example lost 7 police officers in the line of duty in the last 2 years and several more have been wounded by gunfire or seriously injured.


Jesus who?
And why would an american soldier die for me? I'm not even american.


Yeshua ben Elohim, a nice Jewish boy who was scourged and crucified by the "Sopranos" of the first century for his revolutionary and seditious teachings. Damn Eyetalians! ;-)
Ciao ciao


Must be that Jesus guy who goes with Madonna. Though I think he's still alive. Not sure why he'd wanna die for me.

Wouldn't like an American soldier to die for me too. Might be awfully kind of him to want to do that, but I'd insist on making him a facebook friend first. So I at least know where to send my virtual bouquet.

(Do you think the OP will find us hilarious?)


I don't know about the OP.
However, I find the both of you idiotic: American Servicemembers have died for just about every nationality that have been threatened by tyranny.
As for Jesus, well, I won't get into religion; but yes. He died for you as well.


Ah, being judged an idiot on an IMDB forum...such a privilege!

Please click on "reply" at the post you're responding to. Thanks.


No judgement, merely an observation.
