
In the scene where Lt. Strohl wanted the funeral director to open the coffin so he could inspect Chance's uniform to make sure everything was "squared away"... he commented that Chance's uniform was perfect. The camera showed the crease in his pants... the polished buckle on his belt... the perfectly pressed jacket... and we could see white gloves on Chance's folded hands.

But I also noticed that Chance wore only socks on his feet... no shoes. I don't know if the absence of shoes was accidental or deliberate. I have never served in the military so I don't know if this is a common burial practice of military personnel.

Please do not mistake my question as criticism. I loved the movie. I was just hoping someone might be able to explain why there were no shoes.




If you notice earlier in the film they show several pairs boots with blood on them. I wonder if that has any significance.


One of the Marine caretakers early on in the movie advised that the body was not in condition to be viewed. It's quite possible that his feet may have been mutilated when he passed.


It is not customary for a body to be buried wearing shoes. This is especially true if the funeral is closed casket, or if only the top half of the casket is open.

If the family wants the deceased to wear shoes, they should make a point of that in their instructions to the funeral director.


Even civilians in non-military situations are buried without shoes. It's got nothing to do with the military.


I was told even if it was a closed casket, in the military if he/she has everything on including shoes or there not in full uniform there fore not perfect..
