TSA's job
After reading some of the ignorant comments about TSA I had to say something because I am a TSA agent, and unlike some of you saying were all stupid with only G.E.D.'s I'm insulted because I have a degree in Criminal Justice, and Law, and I don't know how things were done 10 years ago when this movie was to have taken place, but things are not done that way now, ALL military are brought threw without having to remove there Jackets or the suspenders that hold there shirts down(I forget the name for them) all's we tell them now is that we will conduct a modified pat down around the metal objects..
But as I said this being done 10 years ago and TSA was still learning there way around due to the fact that this was a new agency and a new way to screen, there was bound to be mistakes to be learned, like if you start any new job your going to screw up a few times..
And in case you still want to call TSA agents stupid I work with MANY who are in the Military now or have retired from it, also there are a lot of retired cops in TSA, so before you shot your mouth off again learn the facts about the people who are trying to keep you ASS from being blown out of the sky, you IGNORANT animal..
Also if any other jerk wants to have us stop screening I'd love to have a plane that no screening was done on any one and allow anybody on without being checked and I'll put you name on the list, and see if you make it.