I think we should do everything possible to end hostilities of any kind on this planet. War should be the last step. We do seem to have a love affair with the military, honor and death. We should spend a lot more time trying to understand and reason with those who have different beliefs.
"I think that boy's cheese slid off his cracker" The Green Mile
But this movie was a soldier's journey home. The traditions for the dead. Yes, I understand your opinion about war. But this movie helps us understand a country's lost. But if it makes you shout your voice louder in opposition, it served a purpose, it made you think about it.
If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world
But it is just that "honor" for fallen soldiers that keeps people wanting to fight and join the military. If we buried our dead with little or no pomp and circumstance on the battlefield, do you think Americans would be so apathetic about ending the war? Now listen carefully all... I AM NOT ADVOCATING that we do such a heartless thing. I'm using it only as a way of making a point. We glorify war, heroes and those who get maimed (all the wounded warrior programs and honors) when we should be trying our best to stop aggression on both sides. War is horrible. And until we view it completely as such, we will never rid our society of it as a means of trying to solve problems.
"I think that boy's cheese slid off his cracker" The Green Mile
I agree with the war movies portraying WW II, but we needed something to believe in, to keep the fear at bay. And a balanced view has been portrayed since then. We see the horror of war, and how the individual can be broken. That story needs to be told along with the story of greatness. I don't have the answers. But until we trust each other here, we won't trust anyone else.
If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world
Wow, This post is amazing...There is nothing wrong with "honoring" those who fought and died for YOUR safety, whether you feel war is valid or not. Yes, in a perfect world people would be able to discuss their issues and sing kumbaya, but guess what, this is reality. Do you think Hitler wanted to have peace? Oh wait, he pretended he did then invaded countries and killed millions...
Please...do not even think people see a fallen soldier and think "oh goody, that looks like fun!" If you do, get your head checked.
Yes, those HORRID wounded warrior programs, how dare we help those who put their lives on the line for your ungrateful self...How selfish of those who have been maimed or families of those killed.
Your post shows me when things unfortunately hit the fan, you'd hide under a rock while others fight for your sorry self then wait for everyone to sit around singing kumbaya...Ya, see how far that gets you.
You may think you're not advocating a heartless thing, but your post is heartless.
You clearly didn't get my point. I think ANYONE who fights for freedom, and especially those who are injured or die are incredibly brave and heroic people. And I do everything I can to support those people. I'm simply stating that this behavior and thinking, even mine, is a self-perpetuating philosophy... war=honor, honor= sacrifice, etc. etc. There are many other countries who also fight for freedom but they don't relish it the way America does and subsequently, they don't have to fight as often, nor are they seemingly universally hated by other countries.
America prides itself on it's ability to make war and we, as citizens reinforce that idealogy.
"I think that boy's cheese slid off his cracker" The Green Mile
And you are also very wrong about my likely actions in a war.
I would stand side-by-side with my fellow soldiers but I would like to believe it was for a country that only went that far as a last result, as we did in W.W.II.
I'd also like to believe that it was a clear cut case of honor. Not like the current state of this nation where we take prisoners, shuttle them around to "black" sites for years and years, use questionable tactics like water-boarding to get intel and then not allow those accused to face their accusers in a court of law.
It was Dostoevsky who said “You can judge a society by how well it treats its prisoners”. I'm sure if he were alive today, he wouldn't have a problem also saying that about it's "enemies".
"I think that boy's cheese slid off his cracker" The Green Mile
OMG. OMG OMG Well first I have to thank a couple of youwe who responded to 'MOOVY ' I am afraid of myself in my strong feelings of dislike for this I'm not sure what to say... I know I wanted jump through the screen. Just when is it that you would stand side by side I believe those were your words - when Iran actually has nuclear weapons...? How old are you if I may ask... Listen I do not want to go into a tirade here try to explain things any better other people have done before me and you ARE AN AMERICAN I understand which entitles you to this free speech of yours Do you vote? Don't forget who put those *beep* in office... Don't forget these young kids from other countries willing to strap bombs on themselves To Kill US & 9/11 willing to die and Kill many as they could
Guess I pushed submit new phone... MOOVY I I am NOT condemning or trying 2 make you see anyone else's side I would just like you to think a little bit more, PLZ about the freedoms and liberties you have right now thanks to our veterans I'm not sure what to do to support our troops as I believe you said but that is appreciated
I know I have over spoken but I just finished going thru stage 2 breast cancer and was told the Battle of my life how brave I was and now I have suspicious stuff on my kidney and I am NOT the brave one
In answer to your question, I am 58. My father was a tail gunner in the Pacific campaign in WWII. My brother was in Vietnam. I try to honor and thank those who serve as much as possible. Anyone who is serving our country knowing that they may have to give the "ultimate sacrifice" for their country deserve nothing less.
My point is that we do glorify war in this country. How about this... every time we have a military funeral or any other such tribute to those who serve, each person attending, thanking the soldier, whatever, also go home and write your Congressman and Senators that we should use war only as a last resort. Demand that they do the job we pay them to do and that also includes diplomacy and showing the world what a great country this truly is. Having George W. Bush get in front of the camera and say "Bring them on!" is a disgrace to all those who have died for our cause of Liberty and Freedom and those 2 words must be used to further the cause of world peace.
Let's start using the same amount of effort to prevent war as we do fighting one!
"I think that boy's cheese slid off his cracker" The Green Mile
You aren't thinking this through, Moovyz. Was the pain of the loss lost on you? Was the lost future of a bright young man worth it? (No - no one should die in this way - war shouldn't happen). Was the horror of what happened to him and others glory? Yes and no. The soldier himself can't bask in the glory - he's dead. Because of that, WE must honor him.
No one joins saying, "oh man, how cool would it be for my parents to get that SGLI check and for me to have all these honors..." gtfo. I know you didn't mean any harm, but gtfo...