How dare you to be so callous and unsympathetic! You obviously do not have anyone you care about in the military or in Iraq. Well, let me set the record straight for you, I do! I have a cousin and a family friend who deployed two weeks ago. They will both be heading to Iraq for a year.
Do you know how slowly a year passes for a military family?
Do you know what it is like to watch the local news hearing of casualties praying it's not your own?
Do you know what it is like to not receive a message back wondering if they are okay?
For most families, this is temporary and their loved one comes home, for others it becomes their nightmare.
Those two men I spoke of are in the Army, however, I feel a kinship to anyone who has a loved one deployed no matter what branch of service.
You are correct, it is war, people die, we are not nieve to that fact. However, those "people" you speak of are someone's son or daughter, bestfriend, cousin, boyfriend or girlfriend, someone's husband or wife. They are not just "people", they are individuals with names, lives, hopes, and fears.
Until you have personally lost someone to war, do not tell me or anyone else to get over it! May you never know the pain you are so callously brushing off.