The entire hissy fit about the photo shoot and the other personality clashes (also discussed in the Edgeplay doc) were fairly ridiculous, on the face of it.
But, hey, they were young, immature, and inexperienced, there were plenty of drugs/alcohol being imbibed which does not generally result in measured self-control or clear thinking, their touring was fairly high-pressure and low perks, who knows how many of them were starting to believe their own press, they were ill-managed, etc.
A stronger, more involved manager might have helped to smooth over some of the rougher patches and not allow situations to get to a self-destructive boiling point.
Even hearing the women talk in the doc, you get a sense that they are remembering those issues and situations still with their younger, immature brains and feelings -- like some of those situations are still stuck in time for them.
Except for Lita, who apparently has difficulty remembering all that went on back then LOL
And this jealousy over the lead singer in a band -- that goes on in male bands, too.
Some band members may be able to keep a grip on the 'bigger picture' and not let such petty things 'get to them' but unfortunately other issues have a habit of 'taking over' with some folks in bands and can ultimately lead to an early demise of a band.
I think The Runaways were on a limited time clock anyway, however, as 'The Runaways'. They were marketed as a gimmick to a great degree, their music wasn't all that good then, and they would have had to seriously repackage themselves a few years down the road anyway, and although some bands are able to do that, there are many bands that cannot successfully reinvent themselves.
History and time have now shown which band members were able to reinvent themselves successfully, after the break up of The Runaways.
"I'm here because I believe in a free Narnia."