MovieChat Forums > The Runaways (2010) Discussion > Lita being a hypocrite?

Lita being a hypocrite?

OK, the film by the admissions of Joan Jett on the commentary track isn't anyway near historically accurate, I get that. But one thing that struck me as funny if true was Lita Ford being mad at Cherie Curry for the sexy photo spread. Because in Ford's solo career as a metal goddess, she did exactly the same thing and probably wouldn't be as popular in that scene without having done it.


In Edgeplay Lita also explains why she didn't get along with Cherie, because Lita was all about focussing on the music and getting her career off the ground, where Cherie would just girate on stage in her underwear trying to be provocative(that's how she put it in the documentary). But then Lita basically started doing the same thing, except she wore leather and jeans instead of jumpsuits and corsets. So I agree, even though I like her music, she was being very hypocritical.


I think it was more of a personality clash between Lita and Cherie than anything else. I think that aside from the clothing issue, Lita was way more serious/passionate about music than Cherie and Cherie's casual attitude about the band infuriate Lita. In Edgeplay didn't they talk about the fight that got Cherie to leave the band? I could be wrong but I think it was because Lita said Cherie was a few hours late showing up to a photo shoot and she went off on Cherie. Cherie said that Lita was the late one, but Vicki Blue also said Cherie was late so I believe Cherie was late. Anyway, I can see how that would drive Lita crazy. Also, although I like them both, I think Lita was an extremely talented guitar player who was desperate to make it even though I don't think she's the nicest person.


the tension within the Runaways over Cherie's Japanese photo shoot was in fact real back in 1977. It makes sense that the teenage band members worried then how they were being portrayed in the media as a novelty act instead of the solid rock band that they were. Fast forward to 1983: Lita is now a grown woman who is quite savvy about the music biz and made her own decisions to dress provocatively at the age of 24 and understanding that a sexy image can help sell records/concert tix.
In my opinion, Lita is not being a hypocrite. It's just Hollywood, man.


I agree with you rebelrebel73.

The Runaways as a teen group in 1977 and Lita Ford as a solo woman artist in 1983 are not the same thing.

History shows that Joan Jett and Lita were right. A lot of rock radio programmers at the time didn't take the Runaways seriously. The cheesecake shots didn't help but then again, maybe there's nothing the group could have done to get more airplay.

Luckily, the future appreciates the band.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


The entire hissy fit about the photo shoot and the other personality clashes (also discussed in the Edgeplay doc) were fairly ridiculous, on the face of it.

But, hey, they were young, immature, and inexperienced, there were plenty of drugs/alcohol being imbibed which does not generally result in measured self-control or clear thinking, their touring was fairly high-pressure and low perks, who knows how many of them were starting to believe their own press, they were ill-managed, etc.

A stronger, more involved manager might have helped to smooth over some of the rougher patches and not allow situations to get to a self-destructive boiling point.

Even hearing the women talk in the doc, you get a sense that they are remembering those issues and situations still with their younger, immature brains and feelings -- like some of those situations are still stuck in time for them.

Except for Lita, who apparently has difficulty remembering all that went on back then LOL

And this jealousy over the lead singer in a band -- that goes on in male bands, too.

Some band members may be able to keep a grip on the 'bigger picture' and not let such petty things 'get to them' but unfortunately other issues have a habit of 'taking over' with some folks in bands and can ultimately lead to an early demise of a band.

I think The Runaways were on a limited time clock anyway, however, as 'The Runaways'. They were marketed as a gimmick to a great degree, their music wasn't all that good then, and they would have had to seriously repackage themselves a few years down the road anyway, and although some bands are able to do that, there are many bands that cannot successfully reinvent themselves.

History and time have now shown which band members were able to reinvent themselves successfully, after the break up of The Runaways.

"I'm here because I believe in a free Narnia."


I agree with pretty much everything said here. Although the least likeable (unfortunately she does seem to be something of a bi**h- her own sons beat her up!) she was probably the most talented player of the Runaways. Lita was certainly very serious about her musical career, and by both their accounts, she and Cherie clashed from the start. She probably is a hypocrite for it, but at least neither turned out shamefully sickening like Madonna when it came to using sexuality in their acts. Cherie and Lita have both aged nicely while still in keeping with their rock style.


She's a b*tch because her evil sons beat her up? What the frick are you on about? And why is that a reason to beat someone up, let along your mom?

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