Do you think Vanessa Hudgens should've played Joan Jett instead? ics/#1012827-23-vanessa-hudgens-nylon%2520%25284%2529
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shareThis is a joke right? You actually think that some superficial little Disney bimbo could've done a better job at portraying Joan Jett than a girl who not only looks and sounds like JJ, but also has the perfect attitude and personality to do this real life character justice?
Not to mention the fact that Vanessa looks NOTHING like Joan...
I mean... Come on.
Who dus you have in mind to play Cherie, Ashlee Simpson?
Agreed. Just because Hudgens tried to act tough by mimicking Joan in some photoshoot doesn't mean *beep* She's absolutely terrible, and Stewart, despite all the Twilight crap, did a fantastic job.
shareJust because Hudgens tried to act tough by mimicking Joan in some photoshoot doesn't mean *beep* She's absolutely terrible, and Stewart, despite all the Twilight crap, did a fantastic job.