Kristen Stewart

i think she did a really good acting job in this movie. sure all her roles are a bit similar, like brooding and stuff but i still think she portrayed Joan Jett really well and i think it was a success in getting out of her type cast role as bella swan :)
"Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. It's contrast."


i totally agree about Kristen doing a great job in this movie. personally i don't think her roles are all similar - I think she is a brilliant actress outside of the twilight movies.



I think her performance in twilight was good for what it was. the movies are entertaining - any problems i personally had with the movies had more to do with the writing that with the actors. But i have always loved Kristin. i went through a similar experience as her character in Speak and I felt her performance in that movie was spot on.


Kristen played Joan Jett perfectly. I love, love, love this movie!!!


Great that TR and her performance is being seen and appreciated
I loved her in this, and in everything I have seen
She is the best part of the Twilight series, for what it is, considering it is written for a teen audience, it delivered because of her IMO

...You think everyone is who they say they are?


I hated Twilight and I hated her performance in it. But in this movie I was pleasantly surprised.

Also... I can kill you with my brain


It's unfortunate that the poor woman' got "beaver teeth."


I was quite surprised. I didn't think much of her performance in the twilight movies.
But she was quite impressive here. Joan Jett is clearly my favourite character in this movie by far.


Kristen was brilliant in this film!

What you call "cringe worthy awkwardness" I call "adorably shy",


The scene where Joan Jett urinates on the guitar is priceless! I so LOVE watching that scene!!!:-)

"A real man would rather bow down to a strong woman than dominate a weak one"


I agree Kristen's acting was great. I didn't like her acting in Panic Room but lately I love her acting.


I agree with the OP and most of you, that I thought Kristen did a great job in this Joan Jett role. She did an excellent job on the songs too, I feel. I liked the music over all too, and I think Dakota also did very well.


I agree Kristin did a fine acting job the movie itself was not so great


I guess one has to have seen her other movies before they can understand why she acts the way she does in Twilight. It seems like she carries a certain part of her persona into the characters she plays. I can personally connect to her in that aspect so I find her a likable actress. You should see her in Adventureland and Welcome to the Rileys.


Kristen Stewart couldn't act wet if she was at the bottom of the ocean! Lousy performance in an awful film.


And yet she can. Stay mad.

I love Jesus AND Jesus-hating atheists and am 100% proud!


since she was coached by Joan Jett im not suprised Kristen did a good Job. ive never seen her as outright aweful in any movie

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest movie directors today


She did a fantastic job. A very powerful performance.

"You can't have my heart."
