MovieChat Forums > The Runaways (2010) Discussion > I wish Dakota Fanning didn't look hot in...

I wish Dakota Fanning didn't look hot in this movie

It was too dirty. She's still underage. I felt horrible. Yech.


How can it be wrong when it feels so right?


She was hot in the movie. She is hot in real life. Theres nothing we can do about that

The Hunger Games - March 23, 2012




I like to see her do more family oriented wholesome type movies instead of trying to break into her adult acting career through sleazy roles. At least until she's about 22 then the Postman Always Rings twice the remake!










Haha I thought the same thing. I don't find her suitable for these kind of films and couldn't take her seriously in this one .It just felt kind of forced, like she was trying too hard to be edgy, same with Kristen. Come on , she's the cute little cynical girl from Uptown girls! She's better suited for Christmas movies or chick flicks and idk, call me judgemental, but knowing that she was crowned prom queen and was a cheerleader at her high school makes it difficult for me to imagine her in films that are a little more "out there" and this movie proved it for me. What's next, Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus playing the life of Amy Winehouse? Producers should actually cast total unknowns for these kind of films, it seems unfair that they usually cast actresses who scream " I know I'm a goody too shoes, but I want to be a rebeeeel now, let me make out with girls and dress in leather with a constipated face!" Same thing with Taylor Momsen, Little Jenny tries tries waaaay too hard..


Dakota is a great actress. The scene in the market and then the phone booth made me believe it was Cherie I was watching not Dakota. Maybe my only complaint is that she came off as extremely bratty in some of the scenes where as I didn't really get that vibe from Cherie. I was able to see past the fact that Dakota was a cheerleader or whatever. However she didn't hold a candle to Stewart or Shannon or any of the other girls like Scout.

Stewart has this edgy, piss and vinegar thing going on. Not only that but she got pretty damn close to how Joan Jett is in real life. Even her hunch was like Joan Jett. The scene where she sings "I Love Playing with Fire" is pretty impressive IMO.

Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.







Don't worry, she wasn't hot.


she was a definite jailbait in this

so many movies, so little time
