I'm sorry "CinemaBuff" i'm as big a fan of foreign cinema as everyone and I particular like the new wave of Spanish thrillers that find themselves facilitating the market, those such as "Night Of The Sunflowers" and "Intacto" are but two that are hugely entertaning, but "Fermat's Room" does not merit such company. The premise behind the film is sound, however it is poorly executed with a plot full of more holes that the surface of the moon and an all too formulaic means of telling the tale. If you choose to respond to this I will be more than happy to go into my criticisms of the in detail, seeing as I was particularly looking forward to this outing and travelled an hour to an indie picture house to view this film I was maybe more disappointed than most. Til then my review will be posted shortly onto the "Fermat's" review links entitled "It Fails To Add Up To More Than The Sum Of Its Parts". IMDB does not get everything correct, Star Wars Episode III was somehow rated 8.4 for goodness knows how long, but it was certainly too long and inflated by preteens that thought the firework display of a toy advert was entertaning, but let's be frank most of us who have seen this film will consider ourselves "CinemaBuffs" regardless because it is not mainstream viewing and furthering on from that most of us (not all) will have a pretty adept critical ability.
Fermat's was mediocre, but in relation to its potential was a failure.
A minimum of three sweets to find out which jar is which? No, they only needed one. If they can't even get the problem solving aspect of the film correct, which to be frank is the films selling point, then they're failing at their target before we even get into the garbled dialogue.