MovieChat Forums > La habitación de Fermat (2007) Discussion > Help with the motive for murder

Help with the motive for murder

I understand Hilbert's motive for wanting to murder Galois, he thought that Galois had solved Goldbach's Conjecture before he (Hilbert) had.

What was his motive for wanting to murder the other two - Oliva and Pascal? Was he mad with Oliva because she once had been Galois' girl friend, or was he outraged at her behavior on the boat?

I really do not know why he would want to murder Pascal, except to make him pay for leaving the scene of an accident. But that hardly qualifies as a motive for murder. Did I miss something?

Fermat was just an innocent bystander, apparently. He could conveniently be blamed for everything.

Thanks for any help on this.


He was mad at Oliva, and he invited Pascal in order to make everything look like Fermat’s revenge.


He was mad at Oliva, and he invited Pascal in order to make everything look like Fermat’s revenge.

Thanks. That adds some clarity. I finally decided that must be the case, although I am still not sure why he was mad at Oliva. But, then again, Hilbert was a rather disturbed individual to begin with, so his motives do not always have to make sense.


Hilbert's motive is the typical Spanish "crippled dick" phenomena: another man defeats him, a woman despises him, his manhood is therefore damaged thus he swears revenge. ¡Ese cabron!

Chaos reigns


Oliva was emotionally involved with Hilbert and Galios and might have figured out Hilbert's motives. Hilbert was just removing that possibility.
