MovieChat Forums > La habitación de Fermat (2007) Discussion > Any similar movies/series/books?

Any similar movies/series/books?

I just recently watched this film and I really enjoyed it.
I was hoping someone could recommend me some similar movies/books/series.

Now let me make it clear that when I say similar I mean intelligent stories with intelligent characters, lots of tricks, mind-games, puzzles and problems.
The only other ones that I was able to find were the Japanese TV show Liar Game
and the animated show Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji.
I am NOT looking for movies where people are trapped in a room, so do not suggest movies like Cube or Saw.

Thanks in advance.


Have you seen "The Game" 1997 with Sean Penn and Michael Douglas? I highly recommend it as being an "intelligent story with intelligent characters, lots of tricks, mind-games, puzzles and problems". I can't say anything more about it w/out this becoming a spoiler.

I'd like to find more movies like The Game, personally!


I second "The Game" and also recommend "Memento" and another foreign film called "8 Femmes"


Try the (also) Spanish Time Crimes...another great sleeper, well thought out and more twists than a twisted twisty thing, with a great number of "awww...of course" moments



"The Game" is definitely a winner... I'd also reccomend the Spanish Film "El Metodo", and probably "The Usual Suspects".

Protective, Detective, Electric Eye


No maths, but nice thrillers anyway are Intacto and El Maquinista (AKA The Machinist).
Lots of geeky hints in cyber thriller One Point 0.


Japanese anime series Spiral, at least the first half of the show has lots of puzzles, mostly murder mysteries.


I definitely recommend "Sleuth", with Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine and a couple of other guys. Don't bother with the remake.


I actually recommend both. I had a lot of fun watching Caine taking on both rolls.


I 2nd the recommendation for "8 Femmes." Great movie!


"House of Games," the David Mamet film, is a gem.


13 game of death


I'd add the film CUBE to the list. It's fantastic. Wouldn't worry about the follow-up films though.

I weep for originality in Hollywood


And, just like the above poster said, "Sleuth"...the original...don't bother with the remake.


Watch Nine queens. Its fantastic especially if you like tricks in a movie.
