Father/Bishop Burke

Can't believe he died because of Cholera. I was happy when they said he becomes a bishop but after a few minutes into the movie they said he died. Like WHAT?! I believe the nun ii took place 4 years after the original. That means he only live for a short while. I like him in the first one & was hoping more of him even though I know he's not returning in this second movie. They didn't even mentioned him anymore throughout the movie & acted like Maurice & sister Irene were the only survivors from Saint Carta. Father Burke was also the one who helped Sister Irene took her vow to become a full Nun. Also, even though sister Irene was closed with Burke she didn't look that surprised or sad hearing the passing of Father Burke. Anw, This's just a cheap way for movies to throw away a character..


Honestly, I really think they should've kept Father Burke & Sister Irene as the demon hunters.They were well known after the Saint Carta incident, but yeah unfortunately they decided to throw Father Burke character away. AND, they were sending sister Irene alone to fight the demon?! Until Sister Debra decided to sneak out & help sister Irene. Also Storm Reid character was totally not needed in my opinion. They could've easily stick with the original pairs and the story can goes on as I don't think Sister Debra character have that much impact in the story.


Yes!! I know right?! So I did some research on why father Burke was not returning. Apparently they didn't even offer the actor for his return! In fact if they do, they will make him as a zombie?! WHAT.. That's just make me even more madder. & I thought Storm reid's character have some bigger roles here but she just seems like a sidekick here. So the reasoning for her to replace Father Burke doesn't make sense at all. I wish Nun II never had happened . I had enough of this universe..
