Why would you transfer? Their talent has nothing to do with your potential. Maybe their teachers feel as if they have potential--you learn far beyond high school. So what they're not classically trained. This isn't Juilliard, keep that in mind.
This school doesn't seem to have a high tuition & it isn't in the best of shape. I doubt they're going to have a bunch of privileged kids (there are a few, though) whose parents had the opportunity/money to get them coaches for classical vocal training.
Let's talk about how you'd leave again. Would you? Really? Solely based on this--no matter how good the teachers are? If so, maybe you shouldn't go to school, seeing as from your comment you feel as if you have nothing to learn from someone who you feel you're above. Wanna know a secret? You'll probably learn the most from people like this. Maybe you should go get a record deal now, they already give those out to anyone, right? How good would it feel to have a record deal but know you're not reaching your potential, though? I'd hate myself.
You could be the greatest singer in the world, but you still need a coach. Just because you're the greatest doesn't mean that you've reached your peak of performance or that you can't improve on some things. Usually people who feel otherwise don't get too far, and if they do, they never really learn much of what they could.
...Sorry about the long post, but I felt like I had to say this.