MovieChat Forums > Fame (2009) Discussion > 'Fame' was too focused on the White peo...

'Fame' was too focused on the White people's lives...

I did not like this remake of "Fame." Although the cast was slightly diverse, most of the movie was too focused on the white characters' lives. I was hoping to see more scenes and fleshed out storylines for the Asian, African-American, and Hispanic characters. Instead, I was forced to watch these typical teeny-bopper white kids complain and sulk about useless things, and then everything turns out happy at the end. Its like watching another episode of 'the Hills' or 'Gossip girl,' which are both awful shows by the way.

This movie was a waste of my time and money. I rate this awful movie 1/10 stars.


Most of the screen time was with the black classical pianist, who realized she wanted to be a singer instead.

It must be nice living life and seeing exactly what you want to see, just so you can continue being angry about how you perceive the world.

Do not pity the warrior, pity instead those who believe nothing is worth fighting for.


Yeah the black girl got a lot of screen time actually. The white couple was nice at first but the lack of character development made them pretty superficial characters.


Also, didn't Malik and Victor get alot of screentime? Hmmm...I'm almost sure they did. Oh, and if you couldn't tell, Malik is black and Victor is hispanic.

Cassidy-OhMyGod, It's Megan!(her dead corpse in the shower.)
Jessica-Oh God, she looks terrible.


Im black and I have to disagree. Jenny was listed as the main character but it was clear the one with the biggest story line was Denise. I liked the movie.



OP, seriously? Except for maybe 60 seconds of Alice's parents and Neil's dad, the only families we even meet are Denise's and Malik's, who are both black by the way.
Also, Denise has more songs than anyone else.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


racist troll fail.


you know it would have been nice, to see 'roselyn sanchez' get the role that charles s. dutton had. just to have a new change of pace?


Are you serious, in this remake most of the cast seemed to be black, well a higher % than in the original.

Also you're another idiot who mixes "white" with being "Rich/Wealthy" and "Getting it easy".

I am White and working class, living in Social Housing all my life, Family hardly any money, me myself no money, on the bottom rung of the ladder, out of work, trying to find anything, but even the big factory up the world wont hire anybody local, instead they're full of Immigrants who actually get bus'd in from outside the area. I go up to the Job Centre, when some "hard done by" Ethnic minority middle class pen pusher tries to belittle me and trying to find any excuse to sanction benefit money, even though I am trying hard to find work.

It pisses me off if you're rich, white and middle class you're worth something, even you're poor and ethnic minority, you "have it hard" and "Lack oppertunity" and have "society against you", but if you're white and poor, you're just "worthless Scum", who are at he bottom because you're "Lazy lowlives", Council estate fodder.

This is why the term "forgotten working class" exists. The powers at be are Interested in lining the pockets of the Mainly white (but some ethnic minority) Middle classes and also putting on an image of "multiculturalism" and "Equality" so make a big deal out of minority groups, So the White Working class is left out to dry in this situation, we've got use apart from working dead end jobs and paying taxes.
