Coming out
Ok...Im 15 years old and i recently came out of the closet. Currently i am the only openly gay student in my entire school. I go to a very small school in a very small town. Being such a small school, you develop deep relationships with the people around you. So changing the way that those same friends & family will view you is not the easiest thing one can attempt to do. So, if i, and the millions like me know what kind of hardships lay ahead, why would we ever come out? Self gratification? Are we masochistic and enjoy pain and sorrow? No, i think we do it because when you are in the closet, you are acting completely against what your heart is telling you what is right. The more you act like the majority populous, the more the walls of your personal closet close in until you can just take it any longer...and you come out. This was my personal experience with coming out. This is what gay people in America have to endure just so people are aware that they like the same-sex(not accepting, but just making them aware). This country needs to change. I cannot bare the thought of the generation below me dealing with this. That is my two cents, please give me your whole honest opinion. Whether it be pro gay rights, or anti. I enjoy hearing both.
P.S. Sorry if i seemed preachy, this movie just lit a flame in me, and also its worth noting that this was the first movie that made me cry.
"Bitch you don't have a future"