Here are some of the differences between Republicans and Democrats. Its all right that a bunch of you will disagree with what i typed about the two parties so please point out where I am mistaken and if you agree, mention it too. ------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans are for full guns rights with no restrictions and for the right to have as many guns as the person wants because of the strong need for self defence and the right for sport hunting because of the 2nd Amendment. Democrats are for strict gun laws to keep guns away from those who would abuse the rights to own guns. They aren't for taking away guns from Americans but limiting how many guns are owned by people. -------------------------------------------------------- Republicans has little interest in endangered species. They believe that there shouldn't be any limit when it comes to killing animals. Democrats believe in Animal conservation and protecting wild life and preventing animals from becoming extinct. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans has little interest in equal rights or civil rights for African Americans. They often frown on interracial marriages. The Democrats in the Southern States switched parties and became Republicans after former President Linden B. Johnson ended segregation. There are still a LOT of Republicans in the Southern States who HATES black people. When former President Ronald Ragan became president, he did nothing to help the black people who were living in horrible living conditions in New York. Republican palitions are perfectly fine with keeping black people out of government as much as possible. Democrats are for equal rights for African Americans and all ethnic groups. They believe that any race or color has the right to marry each other. They appreciate differences and are nor only interested in people who are like them only. Decorates are ashamed that slavery and segregation are part of our history. A lot of Southern Republicans wish Segregation could be brought back. ------------------------------------------------------- Republicans are opposed to equal rights for gay people because of what the Bible says about that life style. Christian Conservative Republicans are for traditional family values and traditional gender roles. Democrats are for equality for Gay, Lesbian, bi sexual and transgender people because they feel that all Americans deserve the same rights and privileges as any other American. They don't believe in favoring rich white men or any one who is not like them. -------------------------------------------------------- Republicans are for making money and traditional gender roles. Some times it Rich Republican men profit from women earning less in the same jobs as men. Sometimes they consider having women employees to be a liability. A lot of Christian Republicans are in favor of Women staying home cooking and cleaning and looking after the children and the men having full time jobs and being the sole provider. Democrats are for full equality for women and believes that women should be paid the same amount of money as men for the same jobs. They are for the freedom of choice if women wants to be the homemaker and stay at home or if she wants to go to college and have careers and full times jobs. Democrats are for full equality for Everyone and for having one united people and not a divided one. -------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans are for War and conquest and striping countries resources and occupations of other nations under the name of protecting America. They are for revenge when something happens.. War is all ways an option for them. Any one who is not like Americans are potential enemies. They are very much in favor of the on going occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan with no plains on ever withdrawing troops. They have no plains to transition from gas and oil no matter what it dose to our environment. Democrats wants American troops to withdraw from the Middle East. They want to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans don't acknowledge that Global warming exists. They have no interest in protecting our environment. It is more profitable to exploit natural resources. Democrats are aware of global climate change and they want to take steps to correct the problems with our environment before it is too late ------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans feels that abortions are murder because they believe that a Human life starts at conception. They believe that Jesus would be very unhappy about abortion so they are determed to fight for the rights of the unborn fetus's. Democrats believe that a Human isn't a Human until birth and that Women should have the right to choose if they want to have an abortion or not. They get angry because Republicans wants to take their right to choose away because their religion says its wrong. ------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans are not for Free Health Care because a lot of corporations may loose money.. A lot of group profit for the sick and the dying..They believe that only those who work hard enough to earn money to afford health care deserves health care. Democrats feels that every one should be taken care of and no one should be left to suffer and die just because they don't have enough money.. They feel that ALL humans have value, not just the straight rich white people. --------------------------------------------------------- John F. Kennedy was a self-described liberal and he defined a liberal as follows: “ ...someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal', then I’m proud to say I’m a 'Liberal'.
All right...I'm a Red State guy, let me take your quiz.
------------------------------------------------------------- "Republicans are for full guns rights with no restrictions and for the right to have as many guns as the person wants"
Strong suppeorter of gun control. I'd outlaw all hand guns if I could except for cops, etc. Too easy to hide and only one kill. -------------------------------------------------------- "Republicans has little interest in endangered species."
True, if only in I have problems with concerns about minnows holding up major public work projects.
---------------------------------------------------------------- "Republicans has little interest in equal rights or civil rights for African Americans."
I think all Americans should have equal protections in these areas, but not disproportionate ones (so yes, I think affirmative action is at this point reverse discrimination).
"They often frown on interracial marriages."
Not one myself.
"There are still a LOT of Republicans in the Southern States who HATES black people."
Ask them.
"Democrats are for equal rights for African Americans and all ethnic groups."
As are Republicans (see comment above).
"Decorates are ashamed that slavery and segregation are part of our history.'
and Republicans are proud of that? If I read where you are coming from, keep in mind that slavery ended 150 years ago. What's that, like 5 or 6 generations. BTW, it was a Republican who ended slavery against Democratic opposition.
"A lot of Southern Republicans wish Segregation could be brought back."
"Republicans are opposed to equal rights for gay people because of what the Bible says about that life style."
A lot of my friends are gay and I support their equal rights 100%.
"Christian Conservative Republicans are for traditional family values and traditional gender roles."
"Democrats are for equality for Gay, Lesbian, bi sexual and transgender people because they feel that all Americans deserve the same rights and privileges as any other American."
True, as am I (again).
"They don't believe in favoring rich white men or any one who is not like them."
You do realize that there almost as many Republican voters as Deomocrats? Are you looking at just the Christian Right? That's a different subject.
"Some times it Rich Republican men profit from women earning less in the same jobs as men. Sometimes they consider having women employees to be a liability."
Profit how? These days female incomes are very close to men's if you adjust for who is full-time employeed and who is not.
"A lot of Christian Republicans are in favor of Women staying home cooking and cleaning and looking after the children and the men having full time jobs and being the sole provider."
A mainstream Christian organization that you can site as a source for this? Again, however, you seem to be taking Christian fundamentalists as the same as all republicans. They are a small part.
"Democrats are for full equality for women and believes that women should be paid the same amount of money as men for the same jobs. They are for the freedom of choice if women wants to be the homemaker and stay at home or if she wants to go to college and have careers and full times jobs. Democrats are for full equality for Everyone and for having one united people and not a divided one."
"Republicans are for War and conquest and striping countries resources and occupations of other nations under the name of protecting America."
What have we conquested in the last 30 years? We are out of Grenada, out of Panama, moving out of Iraq and plan the same in Afghanistan (but then the last two of those are up to a Democrat)..
"They are for revenge when something happens.. War is all ways an option for them."
As it should be.
"Any one who is not like Americans are potential enemies."
As it should be (that how it works, even if just being different isn't why you move).
"They are very much in favor of the on going occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan with no plains on ever withdrawing troops."
Do you read the paper. Both parties have always said we would leave. Only the timetable was in dispute.
"They have no plains to transition from gas and oil no matter what it dose to our environment."
"Democrats wants American troops to withdraw from the Middle East."
"Republicans don't acknowledge that Global warming exists. They have no interest in protecting our environment. It is more profitable to exploit natural resources."
The extent is argued, but both parties acknowledge both global warming and the need for alternative energy sources.
"Democrats are aware of global climate change and they want to take steps to correct the problems with our environment before it is too late"
"Republicans feels that abortions are murder because they believe that a Human life starts at conception. They believe that Jesus would be very unhappy about abortion so they are determed to fight for the rights of the unborn fetus's."
Once again, you do realize that the large majority of Repblicans are not part of the Christian right? If the Republicans ever realistically put a threat to Roe v. Wade I would switch parties.
"Democrats believe that a Human isn't a Human until birth and that Women should have the right to choose if they want to have an abortion or not. They get angry because Republicans wants to take their right to choose away because their religion says its wrong."
See last answer.
------------------------------------------------------------- "Republicans are not for Free Health Care because a lot of corporations may loose money.. A lot of group profit for the sick and the dying..They believe that only those who work hard enough to earn money to afford health care deserves health care."
There is no such thing as free health care.
"Democrats feels that every one should be taken care of and no one should be left to suffer and die just because they don't have enough money.."
Fine idea...and how would you pay for that. Many programs to take care of the underpriviliged already....are you a fan of Socialism?
"They feel that ALL humans have value, not just the straight rich white people."
First, rich people -- white or other -- are by definition only a very small percentage of the population. So why is 40-some % of the population Republican?
But I am impressed that you read the latest Rep platform addition that establishes that only some humans have value.
John F. Kennedy was a self-described liberal and he defined a liberal as follows:
“ ...someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal', then I’m proud to say I’m a 'Liberal'."
And JFK was a great man, and one who also died almost 50 years ago. How would he have applied those same creedos today? Different than Obama?
I doubt anyone will take the time to go through all this, but I actually enjoyed doing it.
Some themes I take from it.
According to at least some liberals, all Republicans are members of the Christian Right.
Believing in racial and gender equality is the same as discrimination.
And most of all from the left liberal perspective, if you are not one of us you are an evil, evil person.
From my side, I just think the OP is idealistic and unpragmatic. Must be much easier to live in a world where you are good and those who don't agree with you aer always evil versus the one of varying shades of grey that I live in -- where you stick by fairness and try to figure out what can and cannot realistically work.
Last thought -- how did this get on the Milk board anyhow?
"And what does that mean 'believing in racial and gender equality is the same as discrimination.'"
I probably did not explain that well enough. What I meant was that if I am against affirmative action then I am automatically am supporting discrimination in the eyes of people like the OP. But I happen to be very much in favor of anti-discrimination laws. I am for all people being treated the same regardless of gender, race or ethinicity.
What I am against is giving someone a governmental leg up simply because of the color of their skin or gender. To take to the extreme, I don't think that the daughter of a millionaire should have a better chance of admission into a state university just because she's a she and has a skin happens to be of a certain shade.
The time for that is gone. If we are going to give preference these days it should be because people come from poor matter what the picture will look like in the year book.
And I know a lot of Republicans would not agree with all my stances, just like very few Democrats would. I think, however, that I am typical of a lot of folks in the middle on both parties. I basically embrace the social rights protections of the Dems and the fiscal conservatism in government matters of the Republicans.
Probably won't happen, but I'd love to see a third centrist party pop up along the way given that I don't think the platform of neither current party really reflects how most American look at things (plus that would stop people from lumping me in with the Christian Bible Thumpers).
The daughter of a millionaire has a better chance anyway.
I think trying to ensure that everyone has an equal chance at Wealth, Happiness and Freedom is a good thing.
Those things that are important then include;
Education, Health, Shelter, Food, Water, Clothing, Freedom from Violence and Freedom from Discrimination.
These things, adequately provided to all would go a long way towards releasing the Government from an obligation to provide specific cover to specific people.
On the other hand, these things adequately provided to all is often seen as socialist and anti-american, and in that light, Government must assume that the degrees of difference between those that have and those that do not need governance so as not to rot the barrel.
Republicans seem to think that a few rich people benefits everyone, and Democrats that social justice is an natural right.
The daughter of a millionaire has a better chance anyway.
That was my point in mentioning that, which is that policies to give people a leg up should be based on economic disdvantage and not race or ethnicity
I think trying to ensure that everyone has an equal chance at Wealth, Happiness and Freedom is a good thing.
We agree on freedom and happiness is so hard to measure that it is not worth discussing, but how do you propose to give every one in the country the equal chance for wealth that Bill Gates' children have?
Those things that are important then include;
Education, Health, Shelter, Food, Water, Clothing, Freedom from Violence and Freedom from Discrimination.
These things, adequately provided to all would go a long way towards releasing the Government from an obligation to provide specific cover to specific people.
I and most Republicans agree except if you are saying all should get equal levels of the above, i.e. that someone should not be able to purchase enhanced qualities and amounts.
Republicans seem to think that a few rich people benefits everyone
Do you really believe that most of the 40% of Americans would agree with statement? I certainly don't. If you had instead written that a person has the right to keep what they make it would be a different story.
and Democrats that social justice is an natural right.
Completely agree but have a sneaking feeling that we might have trouble agreeing on a definition of "social justice."
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Yah, that is one thing that sucks about the US political system, not enough variety of political representation (in Europe, most all countries have at least 5 political parties represented in Parliment).
Yep, going into a US polling booth is like entering the only car dealership in town and it offers only two models -- a Miata and a Hummer. The salesman then tells you that you have to take one or the other.
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I commend you for being such an open minded Republican. I truly hope more members of your party embrace the same and shy away from the political fanticism being spawned by the likes of Beck and company. That said, just because you don't agree with part of the GOP platform doesn't mean it isn't there. Although I am a proud Democrat, there are parts of the party's platform I don't agree with. We aren't cookie cutter people. So, there are two parts of your statement I whole-heartedly disagree with. Again, I am so, so glad that there are voices within the GOP that realize the importance of the right to choice and LGBT equality. However, the pro-life, no gay marriage amenendment kept the GOP in power until 2006. I live in OKLAHOMA. I know countless people who are drawn to the GOP for those two reasons solely. And yet, as I have explained to them countless times, in spite of having the maority in BOTH congressional houses and the White House, no amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman ever came up. No laws outlawing Roe v. Wade. But, they had the power to do it. THEY HAD FREAKIN' RAN 3 full election cycles on those two issues more than any other. So, why wouldn't they go ahead and ban 'em? I'll tell you why....they are the gift that kepts giving. As long as close-minded voters with a Christian leaning had those two issues to get fired up about invading their homes and nation, they'd keep 'em in office regardless of any other not-so-Christian policy the GOP had. It was only when our country was in two seemingly endless wars with a melting down economy that we got a Democratic majority. So, again, I really respect your differences within your party. To be honest, there are parts of the GOP platform I agree with. You won't ever find one that fits you 100%. But, just because it isn't your views, does not mean it isn't that of the Republican National Committee.
Mutual respect to you about people not being pigeon holed.
I'll only take issue with your statement on "No laws outlawing Roe v. Wade. But, they had the power to do it." Actually no they didn't. Roe v. Wade is now a constitutional issue cause it came from the Supreme Court.
Only two ways to change that. First is to change the constition, which takes an amendment passed by 3/4 of the states. That just ain't happening.
The other way is to get the Supreme Court to change its mind. With two younger Dem justices coming in and what I read from at least two of the 5 conservative justices, I don't think that will happen either.
And like I said in a previous post, if I ever felt the Republican right had a chance of stacking the court in a way that would threaten the right to chose I would change parties.
You forgot to add: Republicans feel abortions are murder and could care less if it's a case of rape,incest or a threat to the mother's health.
The GOP has the gall to talk about defending freedom abroad while they trample our liberties at home w/wire taps,campaigning for gay marriage bans,refusal to fund stem-cell research,and unjust gay adoption bans (among others).