As the title/subject already shows, Moscone was responsable in allowing or giving an airplane to Jim Jones' Peoples Temple cult leave from Sab Francisco, California, to "hide" for approximately 18 months (a year & a half) from American authorities & police. Much like Morman founder, Joseph Smith's death & leader, Brigham Young's journey from Ohio, to Utah in the 1800's (19th Century) so they could practice their beliefs & not be arrested. In 1977, Jim Jones requested a way to leave San Francisco, California, to Mayor George Moscone (so the cult could do evil things and not be arrested). Jim Jones decided to commit suicide by a pistol, while a majority of Peoples Temple members, families & children would die by cyanide that was mixed up in jugs of grape-flavored "Kool-Aid". Those that refused to drink it, were shot dead, immediately. This occurred immediately after an unexpected visit by California Congressman, Leo J. Ryan. As Leo J. Ryan and his group were about to return to California, Peoples Temple snipers shot him and their airplanes & prevent/postpone their activities from being known, nine more days. 63x927is58401
False religion preacher, Jim Jones (with personality of Adolf Hitler), died nine days earlier, by suicide in Guyana, South America, before Dan White assassinated San Francisco's Mayor, George Moscone and gay rights official, Harvey Milk. (The two dates were Saturday, Novemver 18th, 1978 & Monday November 27th, 1978). In 1977, Jim Jones wanted to "re-locate" the Peoples Temple goup far away from San Francisco, California & mayor George Moscone provided an airplane for their big move. Then, Jim Jones decided to leave the United States of America! Jim Jones was like Brigham Young of the 1880's decade, a Morman, but he preached another religion & he led his "group of 900+ members" of a cult titled "The Peoples Temple" with a record of numorous sexual affairs, & was "hiding" in Guyana, South America, for approximately a year and a half (18 months), until California Congressman, Leo J. Ryan heard of complaints from former members that traveled back to San Francisco, California, (where the previous Peoples Temple church building was), After Leo J. Ryan's unexpected visit (& as he was about to return to California) Ryan + other former members were killed. After Leo J. Ryan's discovery, and death. That was when the cyanide-laced grape flavored "Kool-Aid" was mixed up for the suicides of 900+ Peoples Temple members & children, on Saturday, November 18th, 1978. Those that refused were shot dead, then "Reverend Jim Jones" committed suicide by a pistol. These maniacal & insane events occurred nine days before Dan White assassinated San Francisco mayor, George Moscone & gay rights activist, Harvey Milk, on early Monday morning, November 27th, 1978, and after mayor, George Moscone (along with Harvey Milk's nudging), refused to allow Dan White to return to his office, thah he resigned from the previous week, in November of 1978. 63x927is58401. "Type To You, Later" is another signature I use, as I am concluding email notes, afterall, we are typing. I picked 63x927is58401 as my IMDb username & the equation requires all 10 numerals (1234567890) & I first found it was correct.
These maniacal & insane events occurred nine days before Dan White assassinated San Francisco mayor, George Moscone & gay rights activist, Harvey Milk, on early Monday morning, November 27th, 1978,
Didn't Jones tape recording ramble on about a 'White Knight cleansing San Francisco'? I'm an SF Native & really remember the times...Ironically Dan White was our district supervisor as well.
Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?
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To be clear, this is to try and answer nickm2 and jstang411's questions, not to feed the rant.
There is no actor credited with playing Jim Jones in this movie. Powers Booth played him in a 1980 made for TV film and others have played him in different shows/movies.
In 'The Mayor of Castro Street', Randy Shilts writes that Harvey and his group used The People's Temple to help with their causes. They would post and hand out literature, go door to door and make phone calls. He says that Harvey's group were leery of them because they were very secretive.
He also wrote that in the first hours following the assassinations some speculated that it was related to Jonestown because of threats that Jones and others in his group had made against public figures.
I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a mayor's place to prohibit citizens from leaving the US. America isn't a country-sized prison. Jim Jones' congregation were secretive and weird but Moscone had no legal grounds to keep them in California as far as I know.
It is too bad that Dan White did not keep his cool and instead acted as a whistleblower rather than a murderer.
Then, instead of being martyrs, George Moscone and Harvey Milk would have been exposed for the corrupt, cult-enabling, crapweasels that they really were.