a big problem with equal pay is that men and women simply choose different professions and different levels. so you can't just go 'women earn less on average'.
not only do a lot of women want to 'work with children' (leading to an over-supply of labor and reduced wages) but they are more often than men aiming for mid-level positions instead of the top of a company. aiming so high is a big risk and results in men being both MORE and LESS successful than women (depending on whether their gamble paid of).
but feminists are all about 'women should be in the top of companies' and never demand that 'we should train more female garbage-collectors, so that there can be total equality with as much garbage-women as garbage-men'.
as for rape: all the feminists shouting about how those evil men are constantly out to rape them just reaffirm the social idea that rape is somehow the epitome of manhood. a decent guy is than just a 'potential rapist' who has the self-control to keep his hands to himself.
a guy who gets raped has no place in this scenario: he failed at being a raping macho-man, but he isn't a woman and therefore can't be a victim either (except perhaps when he's gay and becomes just a sub-category of 'female victims', which ties in with epa101's ideas about gays and feminists).
scandinavia is known to be extremely good (or bad, depending on your point of view) with feminism and anti-racism and such. but i live in the netherlands and to me it just looks like an extreme version of the way we used to be in the '80s and '90s. with the intellectual elite rolling around in their own moral superiority ('look at us being nice to foreigners and bending over backwards to make them feel at home here') but completely oblivious to growing social unrest among the under-class of society.
that underclass felt (not without reason) that they were far worse of after a life of working hard and paying taxes and not being criminal than a lazy uneducated immigrant who never worked in his new country (only collected welfare) or even a horrible criminal (anders breivik who got a nice 3-room apartment complete with a half-dozen servants to entertain him and lots of free time to work on his memoir as 'reward' for killing all those people in cold blood).
and if that underclass voiced their displeasure (in the '80s or '90s) they'd be accused of being racist or of being a barbarian who cares nothing for rehabilitation of (petty) criminals and only thinks of criminal law as vehicles for brute revenge. this way the intellectuals could feel good about themselves ('look how understanding i am, even to criminals'), while the rest of the country paid the price: paying high taxes to finance all those 'be nice to foreigners and criminals' projects (when somebody finally dared to investigate the effectiveness of those projects it turned out most were a huge waste of money). or being confronted with the guy who murdered your husband being released after just a few short years in prison (after he made some empty claims about 'being really sorry about killing your husband in cold blood'). and don't you dare protest his release, or even ask that he doesn't contact you, you revenge-happy harpy