Anita Bryant
It's kind of interesting to watch this movie and recall (among other things) the old anti-gay campaign of Florida beauty queen Anita Bryant. It makes me think of "Miss California" who "lost" the "Miss America" title because of her controversial views on gay marriage (I'm not sure WHY the other 48 contestants also lost). Then she was "persecuted" and lost her job for joining anti-gay marriage groups (of course, if she'd become a militant lesbian and joined ACT-UP, I'm sure THAT would have been perfectly alright--I'm positively dripping sarcasm here).
What was stupid about that thing is that beauty pageants have ALWAYS been lousy with these bigoted "Christians" like Bryant who think because America likes staring at their ass in swimsuit, they give a damn about their politics. "Miss California", at least, managed to pose in the nude (if completely inadvertently). That's one of the things I like much better about Italy--the beauty contestants there go off to become "actresses" and porn stars and only THEN do they get involved in politics (I'm kidding, of course).
Seriously, though no one in America really gets "persecuted" for being a hot 20-year-old blonde girl. And it's kind of ironic to claim you're getting persecuted when you're out trying to persecute others. If you're against same-sex marriage, fine, just don't do it.