Dom's charger mistake

His charger was blown up in the tunnel after dominic removed the door.
Then, Brian is driving it when they go to break dominic out of prison

Please Explain


either it's a new one or they really want us to believe they salvaged it.


i'll explain it

its called the MAGIC OF MOVIES


Lol, I'm hoping Brian bought a duplicate at the last minute.


I must say I really like this franchise...but that was the most idiotic thing ever. It's the same charger, but wow, that's pushing it. We're not that stupid. Exploded inside a cave, and the writers want us to believe Brian and friends salvaged it...ugh

IF you're free you'll NEVER see the walls


yea it doesnt make sense, but what ya going to do

they did change some of the cars at the last minute, like Fenix car was supposed to be a red daytona charger. also instead of brian wrx was an Evo x

also i think they did an alternate ending, and i think it was Letty driving the charger.

but according to the original script the final scene was supposed to be 4 blackout cars driven by Brian, Mia, Tego, and roman pierce


According to every other F&F movie, Brian probably found it in a Junk Yard

(F&F1: Supra; 2: Skyline; 3:(Brian is not in, so they didnt save any); 4: 3 Skylines, and a brand new WRX STi that were all impounded... i guess he just has an eye for places with bad ass cars


Don't forget the Mustang in 3 was found on the navy base.


More than likely it is another Charger entirely. It's an easy enough model to get, and they could have just decided to get another for Dom and build it to look like the one he lost. Even if it is the same one that exploded in the tunnel, the trial process would have taken months at least, so salvaging the old one is a possibility, albeit an entirely far fetched possibility.


As far as I remember it has the same necklace and cross on the mirror which I believe was Letty's...not a different car then.

IF you're free you'll NEVER see the walls


Guys there are more than one 1970 Charger in the world you know : )

Brian probably picked it up off Ebay


they couldn't just have found the necklace and stuck it on a new car then?


I dont think a necklace like that would have survived if the car...did whatever the hell it was that happened.

IF you're free you'll NEVER see the walls


Why not? a necklace is just a piece of metal. It's like finding one of the bolts of a plane in a plane wreck. Not that hard to find. But the car's engine and body would pretty much be scrap and would cost millions to turn back into a working vehicle. Better to just buy a new one.


chargers can survive anything...just watch the dukes of hazzard, lol =]


Well replacing a necklace is not like replacing a bolt. It's more like replacing a pet. Think of the significance.

IF you're free you'll NEVER see the walls


They couldn't have just found the necklace and cleaned it off? Many of the leftovers in a house fire involve jewelry you know. Jewelry is sturdy and can survive extreme heat. That is what I said, you can find bolts and screws and little pieces of metal in a wreck (like a necklace) but you can't find a whole undamaged engine block or any of the essential main parts you need to make a car with.
Also, who cares about the necklace and if they bought another one? I don't recall that necklace being in any other movie.
