MovieChat Forums > Fast & Furious (2009) Discussion > How come Dom is perfect in everything he...

How come Dom is perfect in everything he does?

He's like Mr. Perfect like James Bond. Never makes a mistake during a race, drive, fight, escape, whatever.




ummm a more realistic one where people can relate to? this is not a scifi or fantasy movie we're talking about here



Nobody cares about realism...

Why do you think these kinds of movies are made, it's for people to escape from real life.

If you want realism, go watch those killjoys on Myth Busters, and like them, suck all the enjoyment out of your movie watching experience.


You're a sorry excuse of a Star Trek fan if you believe the hero should be perfect in everything he does. Come to think of it every role Diesel does demands that he's perfect like Triple X. It must be in his contract or something that fool.



Oh Zephyr, you worthless Star Trek fanboy. When will you ever grow up?




I agree. Now they are saying he can take a gunshot without even flinching.



Dom actually screws up a lot in the films.

1. Dom allowed his team to be infiltrated by an undercover cop, a bad one I might add.

2. Dom made the mistake of sleeping with a rival's sister.

3. Dom was nearly busted at the beginning of the first film. If not for Brian Dom would have been caught for sure.

4. Dom spent two years in Lompoc, enough said.

5. Dom got careless and wrecked this Charger.

6. Dom didn't listen to his team when they voiced concerns about not having Jesse's help in the final heist. This resulted in Vince nearly getting his head blown off.

Proud member of the AIAFL.


Damn, you beat me to it Chris. Yeah Dom actually screwed up a bunch of times but its his attitude and how he handles it that makes him seem perfect.


Good list but that was all FF1 and before. He's like perfect now.



I really liked him in XXX.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
