So much fun!
I like how they played with the genre tropes and showed how ridiculous those are, while still staying true to them... it worked!
It's a lot better than people give it credit for... Cruise plays the super-spy straight and the movie shows how absurd that is, but it still works as he is Tom Cruise and the movie isn't self-serious...
If it was a similar movie, but sad and self-loathing instead of fun and uplifting the critics would have loved it and called it a new take on the action-romance movie... They just didn't "get it", because they generally don't get comedy and can't go with the flow...
"Roy Miller (Tom Cruise): Nobody follow us or I kill myself and then her!"
It's the anti-Jason Bourne and it's great because of it... I love the cheesy dialogue and set ups... It's a solid summer movie and looks far better than 90% of the summer movies in since it was released...
I loved how they showed so many of the action scenes from June's perspective... made the concept of being saved by an action hero so ridiculous and odd rather than the heroic perspective we usually see... very good subjective use of the camera... was a lot of fun!