MovieChat Forums > Knight and Day (2010) Discussion > Simon (the nerd) deserves death

Simon (the nerd) deserves death

The character is so annoying. During the fight by Roy with the assassin on the train, he didn't do a damn thing to help. Which while annoying is understandable.

But in the final scene, he didn't just stand by passively. He actually kept talking and releasing more and more information when Roy clearly wanted and told him to shut up. Doesn't he understand his place? If you are a useless coward (fair enough. can't exactly expect scientists to be fighters as well), then shut up and do as you are told in combat situations.

Really really wish he had gotten shot and died a painful death.


He's an awkward teenager, who I almost suspect was afflicted with a minor form of autism. Yeah, I know reading into things maybe too much, but people with that kind of genius often have a mild form of autism or autism related condition.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


Autism doesn't keep someone from being capable of understanding and obeying instructions. Not for the high functioning individuals, which is what he would be at worst, judging from the movie.


Wow you've clearly not been around many people with Autism, have you?


Are you capable of reading? I stated that even if he does have a condition, he appears to be very high functioning from the movie, which therefore should not necessarily hinder him from obeying instructions.




*You being retarded is noted*


It IS possible to be highly-functioning, and yet have trouble following instructions. I used to know someone like Simon. Leave him alone, and he could build a special battery just like Simon did. Yet give him instructions, and he would act just like Simon did. He finally had a total breakdown, one of many. I was very sad, not only because I felt bad for him, but I also felt that so much genius was being wasted. He could have found a cure for cancer, or even autism.


Fair enough.


Wtf would you expect a scared teenager to do? Hell, teenagers never shut up period. Its obvious simon was a little behind on social skills.
