Mike troubles start with the golden watch. When he finds out that it is stolen wouldn't an honourable guy like Mike confront the giver of the watch (Chet) first and give him a chance to explain/put things right ...instead he tells Chet's manager Jerry Weiss and this slimeball uses the info for his own purposes.
He goes looking for Chet but couldn't get a hold of him that is why he turned to the manager, plus i doubt he thought Chet stole the watch cuz who would think a big movie star would do that when he can easily afford it?
If you remember the movie, he goes to meet Chet for dinner at a restaurant, but Chet doesn't show up, and for this Weiss apologizes. When he tells Weiss about the stolen watch, Weiss gets up and ditches him at the restaurant, and doesn't even pay his bill. This is where Mike was dropped like the proverbial hot potato, by Weiss and consequently by Chet and his wife.
Yes, I know that he wanted to talk to Chet at the restaurant. However, my point is that raising a delicate issue such as this requires some discretion and diplomacy....personally I would not involve a third person...even though it's Chet's manager. Obviously, handing out stolen watches is not an honourable thing to do and as such I would have given Chet a one on one talk and expected him to come clean and straighten out things. This is a personal issue between the two of them. If Mike had followed this route he might have found out that Chet didn't buy the watch himself and that the manager is the main reason for all his troubles.
I think that Chet was quite a decent guy and was trying to involve Mike in his movie business. It could be that Jerry Weiss (his manager) felt threatened by this development and thus tried to sabotage their relationship which then let to all the other stuff.
At the end of the day...the watch was a gift for saving Chet in the bar fight which Mike then gifted to the police officer in lieu of a wage....sounds like a pretty good explanation to me. The only wrongdoing in all of this is that someone sold a stolen watch (of course, if the buyer knew it was stolen then he is also guilty).
That's not really how Hollywood works. The manager more than likely is responsible for Mike getting the watch. Further, in the scene near the end, Weiss says, "A fella sold me a watch. I got a deal on a watch. How do I know where it came from? I gave it to you."
Also, Chet is not a "decent guy" who wants to involve Mike in the movie business. When I saw this film in the theatre with some filmmaker friends, we all laughed when Chet says, "I want to make you a producer on this film". It was at that point that anyone who works in the business would know Mike was screwed.
Exactly. I was about to quote the same thing, he say "I gave it to you." The relationship there between the Manager and client is obviously very close, with Chet being the the boss and the Manager doing the dirty work. Mike is trying to fix it simply, and it is an easily rectified problem, BUT....when Mike brings this problem to them, they now feel, he is going to be a problem. He is not willing to get his hands th slightest bit dirty. Whatever long term schemes they have are not going to work with this guy and they immediately cut off all contact with him and his wife. With her at least until she proves SHE is willing.