I am amazed by Mamets ability to write truly realistic and inspiring characters and really tight, cut-to-the-bone scripts that always end up touching me deeply. I wonder if I am alone in thinking this:
1. "The fight" is Jihad; of course; the internal fight for principle and ethics and morals and for doing the right thing in a world gone totally awry; where you cannot trust anyone and see your honerable actions twisted and turned against you (strenghts become weakness; Ju Jitsu as the perfect metaphor for how strange the world has gotten).
And people die because of it. Serious stuff. Some _has to_ to do something; and well, Mamets leads always do; and they always win everyone over in the end by _showing_ them the error of their ways. Does anyone else think this is very much like Spartan?
2. The tight scripts (spartan and redbelt) and lack of traditional hollywood cliché (unless for specific purposes) and laid back storytelling makes his movies very challenging for the casual viewer (no pause or rest; every second counts). But his art direction is sometimes so glossy it almost distracts; these are hardass, realistic plays laden with social commentary with great acting being sold in candy wrapping?
3. Tight; but maybe too tight? I find redbelt almost a like a deeply personal literary experience - and I have watched it maybe three or four times by now; but while the telling of the story is tight; the progression is maybe sometimes a little - I don't really know - a little scattered, perhaps? (Is he aiming for the great sprawl with the killer explenation at the end? The one, great Kayser Szose moment? He makes it emotionally; but intellectually, I'm not sure)
4. Not enough emotion? The story is in the interpretation and in between the lines instead of being in plain view; the story is the message. (fight the good fight, or do-gooders make people die?)
The FIGHT was great though; I love a fighter who fights the RIGHT fight - which is _not_ in the ring, and not for entertainment. And that's where you get the red belt. Way to make a movie from Kipling's IF :)
10/10 in my book. Best Mamet so far. Time to see Spartan again.
(Oh; and as a green belt of karate, I never saw as good a martials movie, either)